WIP Female model in ZBrush ... critiques?
WIP Female model in ZBrush ... critiques?
This is my first attempt at doing anything with correct muscular anatomy. The model's proportions are exaggerated, but I'm hoping she looks right:
Comments, criticism? Looking for suggestions. :)
This is ment as a base for sculpting right? Overall not bad, areas that might need improvement are the upper legs (have a look at how diagonal, expecially in womans anatomy, the upper leg bones are inside the upper leg and how this effects the muscles around it), and the back of the lower legs, which seem to lack any real muscle detail so far.
In the side view the propostions of the upper body vs hips and legs is also completely off, but I guess you are aware of that.
I rearranged the rig a bit underneath the mesh, lengthened the legs, tweaked the position of her back (which was awkward and unnatural), and did a bunch of other random improvements, including hands, which I think turned out rather well for being built out of spheres :) . Take a look at the structure of the rig (blue, second image) and let me know if it looks at least somewhat correct. Obviously it's not going to be an exact skeleton, but it should be reasonably close.
Edit: Seems like there's a big difference if you compare the old image to the more recent one.
I suck at overdraws ;)
Thanks. :)
I'll have to see what all I'm able to address in sketch mode. I may have to sculpt at least some of that stuff in.
How's this?
The lower legs are much better now. The inside of the upper legs is still to strait however. Have a look at really skinny girls (models) to to see it in a exgerated form.Edit: See here for a good idea of the shape: http://www.denverdoll.com/images/fairyland/chicalagirl.jpg
Also the front of the upper leg still lacks any actual muscular form. Look at this to see the actual muscles there:
Otherwise the pelvis area is still somewhat strange, can explain it exactly but right now it looks like she sticks her butt out in a really arkward position.
Also keep in mind that both the breasts and the butt are largely sacks of fat, so the underlying muscle doesn't really follow the outward shape so much. In fact the butt should bulge inwards at the sides (like you can see with mucular guys) and the fat sort of just fills in the gap and adds some nice round shape ;)
P.S.: Is there any way to export this into a usable non zbrush format? Some edge loop topology conversion? Well one could use a retopo tool to make a real mesh out of it, but it might be quicker to do it by hand then ;)
Well, it's very easy for me to convert it to a high-res mesh and export that in obj format, although at the moment I'm out of town and I won't have access to it until Monday. :)
I expected so, but I doubt that would be of much use outside zbrush. I have never worked with that program however, so I can only guess how it coverts these sketches into actual geometry, especially in how far it makes nice edgeloops out of it.
The edgeloops are so-so at best. I think in general you ultimately have to retopo when you make a mesh that way, but I could be wrong. I might ask on the zbrush forum.
Here we go:
Rather minimal change, not really effecting the main issues I mentioned before :p Oh and I am not fooled by the color change ;)
Edit: maybe this picture I found on my harddrive helps a bit with the butt problem:
But please tell me if some of the suggestions are simply not possible with the zbrush scetch tool. I have never worked with it, and it seems a bit limited.
Here's the zbrush topology.
Ok had a look at the mesh, I think outside of zBrush you will have little use for it. The edge-loop topology zBrush exports is not very good.
It is a very nice sculpting base, though. If I had ZBrush, I would definitely make use of a base like that.
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Wow, this thread is a blast from the past. :)
It looks like Zbrush's automatic topology isn't very good for game-ready 3d models, so the topology would have to be done manually. Maybe some time when things aren't totally insane I'll give it a shot. :)
Maybe you can give a Blender 2.65 svn build with dyntopo a try?
If you want 3D models you should try http://www.makehuman.org/ its the best thing out there, it produces absolutely accurate human models, fully rigged and textured ready to use and the best is the output is CC0.
For the record, Makehuman is awesome. This was really intended to be more of a personal exercise. :)
I'd only use Makehuman if I wanted to make a photorealism game
like maybe a tokusatsu styled OA iteration
Pretty Good. I might use this as a template when I finish learning Unity.