Valley of Concordia
Valley of Concordia
Valley of Concordia is another Flare/LPC full conversion mod I'm doing. I finally got it into a playable demo state this morning, with three classes, some NPCs, and a short dungeon. I'm hoping to do something a little more story driven than a traditional ARPG, something darker than Polymorphable. I'm also taking advantage of the fact that I have much more than a month to do it!
If you go past Level 3, you'll discover that many powers are not currently in working order, and there's some pretty bad filler art, but it should be enough to give you a general idea of the game.
Some screenshots. I'm jumping back and forth between this and polishing Polymorphable right now, but this is in a workable state, with some enemies, and two different starting areas, depending on your class.
laborcamp.png 65.3 Kb [22 download(s)]
marooncamp.png 148.4 Kb [173 download(s)]
minesundercamp.png 66.4 Kb [493 download(s)]
Nice! I just ran around in-game a little to see my campfire animation inuse and I'm happy now. Awesome to see it in game! Thank you for using it :) and good job on these Flare mods.