[WIP] Simple broad-purpose tileset
[WIP] Simple broad-purpose tileset
CC0 simple broad purpose old-school tileset.
Intended to be flexible and general enough for use in a variety of simple single-layer, typically black-backgrounded tile-based games, often with with per-tile movement, both top-down and side-view. eg. Rogue-likes, Boulder Dash, Chip's Challenge, Paganitzu, Lode Runner, etc.
- Released under CC0 1.0 Universal.
- 16 x 16 pixel tile-size.
- Minimal effective colours per tile.
- Little or no dithering and anti-aliasing.
- Minimal shading, favoring solid colours.
- No fixed theme. Can include elements of fantasy, sci-fi, realism, etc.
- Little or no connective/transitive construction. Do not do with many tiles what may be done with one.
- Minimal animation. Do not do with eight frames what may be done with two.
Using Arne's 16 colour palette.
For starters:
Many of these need simplification/cleaning.
Contributions, suggestions snd requests welcome so long as they fit within the specifications and of course must be CC0.
More misc.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
mostly switches
not sure if I am doing it right
They're cool. They use more than 4 colours per tile, but don't be too hung up on that, it's a rather silly restriction anyway, and I might remove it.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I hope you wanted other people to work on this set, it's a fun idea and I couldn't help myself. Working on it has been a nice break from my 32x32 tiles. I've made some grass, sad attempts at trees, mushrooms, crenulations, a roof, pillars, a sign, spikes, medkit, clouds, and two shots that I haven't tested animation on. I broke the 4 color rule on the trees, maybe that's why they look bad. Feel free to add them to your set, Surt.
Sweet stuff, Sharm.
Integrated you guys' stuff and added a few more colour variations.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Keep this going! This is just what I was looking for to create an 80s arcade style game for the Arcadie.
A couple of animated characters or enemies would be nice.
Removed the four colours per tile guideline as it was more problematic than beneficial.
Given the removal of the colour restriction added transparency. The purple is transparent only so don't use it as a colour.
Added a few more pickups.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Figure I'll post the latest version since I haven't touched this in ages:
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
thanks for that awesome tileset!
heres a little html5 demo i made with it
arrow keys to move/jump
strg for punch
edit: heres an updated version with save points at the key locations and (not so good) controls for mobile device
Hey that's pretty cool. I'll see if I can work up the motivation to do more on this after the PDJ. I'm surprised the tiles work passably against a light background.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
i hope you find the motivation, would be realy cool, but even if you dont, i think this set is already very nice :)
edit: i dont want to pressure or annoy you so just ignore this if you feel like i do but heres my suggestions for more tiles: "triangle" shaped ground tiles, smaller version of the dynamite/bomb tiles (not sure if this is possible), a bigger tree (maybe tiled so we could make custom trees) and maybe opened doors, that would be realy nice!
I tryed to modify some tiles on my own (like the opened door or a walk cycle for the devil/demon guy) but it doesnt turned out like i imagined ^^
btw under what license does that tileset go? after reading much on this site, im not quite sure if im even allowed to use this set, sorry if i violated rules by just using it before asking this question.
I used this in my PDJ, but I needed to do some additions, so here's the one I used:
Added some half-arsed frames for the characteras and will call this done.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
This is a really awesome set, Surt. You do such fun things!