Last changed December 7 2009
Last changed December 7 2009
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 19:12
Art Type:
This is my own art from 2009.
Art type: Concept Art. I think it fits this because it's mostly just various art pieces all in one place.
Green spirit. Happy person with part of their biology. Red and black intertwined what I like to call the black-red ninja. A green flash strikes through a house. That's about it.
Estimated drawing date: October 12 2009
Attribution Instructions:
Attribution not required as this work/art is waived and licensed under CC0.
Optional attribution: made by hashcashbtcfundedart

Sorry, but what's the point? You'll never reach the ironic, amusing heights of, say, Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff; this just isn't the right venue, and you don't have the contextual momentum. The attempt is too transparent to establish any sort of awkward interface of people not wanting to hurt your feelings, but not bad in the right ways so as to be genuinely amusing. Even the second layer ironic appeal of retreading ground that's been thoroughly trod by better (read: lesser) explorations of cruddiness isn't enough to carry this, and if you try to build up with further layers of irony like that it's just going to fall flat like an underprepared flan.
Whatever it was you just said, I couldn't have said it better myself. :)
Hey, at least he has his "2D art contributor" medal.
This art and comments made my day.
Thank you very much but I know the quality of my art. I uploaded it to show my art, I know it's not in comparison to most of the art I like here, but still it's my art. It is not 2D art but Concept Art.
That I was given a medal is thanks to the automated system, not to a human :D so please remove your medal. If I am to receive a medal I prefer getting it manually instead from some android. Thank you.
At the end of the day this art has a taste of comedy into it. I really like it and I think it was worth the upload.
The point among other things is to show off my art, if that isn't an obvious thing.
Indeed... Though Redshrike also made a comment that explains it pretty good. Do you have any suggestions on how this art could be effectively used in a game?
I guess, but the name of this site isn't
I still think this is useful to show off my art capabilities. It is not something I'd upload lots of but rather this is a representation of my current art abilities. You take it too seriously I think. I could of course host it elsewhere, then link it from my profile. Though I'd expect first a sign from the site/admin.
I'm not saying my art is superb. Didn't anyone get that I want to show my abilities in art and what I can be more or less proud of?
It's all in good fun. You seriously must have other things to focus on in life.
Sure. You absolutely have the right to be proud of your work. I wasn't saying you shouldn't be, but I think the confusion here for most people is that the purpose of this site is to share game art. Art that is for putting in games. This being art that should not be used for games may have thrown people.
Now that I understand it, it's very inspiring stuff... Almost like a cubist/postmodernism/surrealism blend of styles.
You are totally right. I just noticed that the site isn't called If I ever get some game art ready I'll publish it. Thanks for explaining. I'd rather have this art removed, I can link to it from my profile after all as some concept art not specific to computer games.
It isn't game art...Shall I remove it myself or can an admin help me?
Do you want it to be removed? Well it is offtopic...
In the case that nobody objects to it being here at least I won't trouble my mind on how I'll upload it to the internet archive.
I 'll leave it up unless you specifically want it removed.
Ok. Thank you.
I appreciate your attempt to play your role to the hilt, but I don't think it really gels the way it needs to to really work. I'll confess that I appear to have underestimated the charity of some users (read: Medicinestorm) in their willingness to assume that you are indeed in earnest, but I think we both know that the ironic amusement derived from such meagre befuddlement is pretty darn stale. I'm not sure if I should commend you for trying to cover your misstep with straightfaced perseverence; it's almost convincing (were the art not in the state it is!) but in the current context it's just not going to work.
Look, what you really need is some form of tenuous continuity with other works or the rest of the site to really make this work. It has to resemble the genuine article just closely enough for people to think it may be a legit attempt, but with enough excess badness to truly perplex your audience. Only when quality is just within sight can this manner of dreck become truly awful.
...VERY inspiring stuff. :P
Edit Warning: This post has been edited heavily, for TL;DR guidelines. If you want to reply to parts that you received you are welcome to. Please don't burn my art. Flames not welcome
You are obviously not a fan of 'assume good faith'. If you don't like this art, then why are you commenting? Doesn't other art deserve your comments, thoughts and especially your time?
I show off my art and I've acknowledged it was a mistake uploading it here. You adding with a bad attitude doesn't help anybody, while essentially saying the same thing from post 1 though in a 'more poetic way'
Reminds me of 27b/6 guy's style: see, for example,
Btw, this one is especially hilarious.
Well... I decided to add a few adjustments. I'm willing to release it under CC-by-SA. I'd just like to make sure all contributors have credit on this bad boy. ;)
The original art is CC0 1.0 Universal and it will remain under this permissive waiver for the rest of eternity :D
noway links to:
With Bitcoin to receive money you don't have to pay any fees. That's the design of the system.
Dear friends you have already gone offtopic so soon we will be talking about giraffes and flying elephants. Please keep the topic to my art or Bitcoins, Proof of Work or Public key Bitcoingraphy. See, you've already confused me, thx to your improper manners :D
At the very core Bitcoin is composed of Proof of work which can be expressed by checksums. Proof of work is like brute-forcing checksums until a fitting one is found. A fitting one is one where the desired checksum begins with a certain amount of zeroes.
That is a SHA-256 checksum. So I would say that geeks ignorant of Bitcoin is ignorant of checksums. They don't know really what they are. Still checksums are a very common technology, like in Bittorrent. Or for some geeks with MD5 checksums, though MD5 is considered not cryptographically secure.
This art is amazing, can I send you bitcoins to fund your future works?
You can give me 1 Satoshi. Do you know what that is? :D
Today one Satoshi is worth 0.00000092 USD(U.S.A. Dollars). You could give me two Satoshi if you want to be extra generous :D
Here's the address: 18HZWK6vtg59bmfeWDR6SsqpMAa3T2cKsu
@cjc83486: That is a great work of art! I recently saw some concept art very similar to it, but I needed game art. This looks like just the thing for my game. Since it's CC-BY-SA, should I put "Courtesy of cjc83486" in the credits? Thanks.
The problem is you're not saying what you like about the art, so you're just spamming without adding anything constructive.
It's kind of amusing and sad how oga "artists" spend their time.
Meaning spending time spamming a thread of little importance instead of doing what they like or are good at. Maybe you have decided to stop making art after getting "inspired" by my piece? :D
I just want to know what cjc83486 wants me to do for attribution. I'm sure I could tell him what I like about his artwork if he wants to know, but I'm sure he'll ask if he's interested.
I can't stop what I never started. I'm not an artist. I came looking for game art. Why are you calling me a spammer? I was just asking about his art. He says he is willing to share it.
Stop spamming my thread with stuff not about my art. If you are really serious and not just a newborn spammer, then cjc83486 should post the derivative work separately, not here.
Off-topic comments beyond this point will be removed.
I'll explain how I came to get inspired to do the Black Red ninja. The colors Black and Red were my favourite as a child, mainly because I like liquorice and there were 'candy ropes' that were Black and Red. It was my idea that really evil beings would have red and black as the ultimate colors.
The ninja was done by mistake, in fact I just wanted to play around with the colors and then I noticed they had a shape as a black-red ninja.
Sometimes great pieces of art happen by mistake. Also to prevent any confusion, my art is CC0 and all art I support or decide to fund will be CC0, cause I'm part of the permissive CC0 culture movement.
[comment removed by BartK]
I can't tell if you're being serious either since I see no game art from you, maybe you have some art piece to show off something at least that can be useful for a game? It has already been said that my piece isn't game art so maybe you can either publish something of your own or make an ontopic comment on my art thread?