Flare Alpha Double Exp
Flare Alpha Double Exp
Monday, April 8, 2013 - 09:56
Flare Hack Exp
Way Of Using, is Enough to Place the application in the Paste of the Original game and to execute him Normal
Kill A Goblin You will Win Plenty of EXP
That was Made In Ollydbg
Therefore I will Do Other with Name of Hardcore 2 Hits You Die it Depends on your level
I will Modify the Game For OllyDBG With Magic Infinite Modo HardCore
Credits: MetroidP1
As mentioned in your other thread, theres no need to create hacks to modify exp gain, gold or any other rewards because anybody can change it by editing the mods or save files in any plain text editor. The exp reward for each enemy can be altered by editing the text files in the mods/fantasycode/enemies folder, or you can just edit your save file to give yourself an instant exp boost.
Of course there may be some merit for educational purposes but it wont benefit any players.
You could also create, in plain-text, a ring that gives +100% XP Gain and put it in your stash.txt file. Flare is designed to be hackable in plain text.
It's dangerous to download .exe files from random users, and I suggest Flare players don't do that.
I tended
he/she/you would like to know how I do to add new NPC
and New Monster of Flare
I want to create a Mod Para Flare With Absolute Mission
I am Wanting to Edit the Whole Game in Assembly Doing him In Modo HardCore
plus This Lacking A lot of Quest, New Areas and New Monster
You can add a new NPC by creating a file in the mods/[mod-name]/npcs/ folder. There are some NPCs in alpha_demo you can view as examples.
Similar with monsters, those are in mods/[mod-name]/enemies/
To add them to maps you can use Tiled to open the .tmx files in the flare-game repo, tiled folder. Maps have an "enemy" layer and an "npc" layer. Look at maps that already have monsters or NPCs to see how they work. Then export your new map to the flare format.
I am with A Good Idea for Flare
I am wanting to Set up an Equipe Para to Do a Modifier Pro Flare
As I am a Programmer I am Wanting Ideas For Doing an exe For Flare
like you he/she saw the exe that I was doing
I need more ideas to place in the exe
@MetroidP1 nobody is stopping you from doing anything. What I would suggest is have your own repo. in github and fork Clint's repo. I for instance would not download anything unless it comes with sources and I am sure lot of others would also feel the same.
If you have good ideas put them in the repo. and also do pull requests. If ideas have a merit than I don't think Clint or anybody else would object.
I do know of couple of people who have been doing their own mods for flare, for instance check out concordia (and couple more are in making AFAIK ).
So to get you started with some games, checkout these
Also as others have said: there are very different platforms out there, so windows executables cannot run everywhere.
And flare has lots of fans at other operating systems (Linux, MacOS), and also on way different hardware such as the Desura or Amiga. If you want to reach a wider audience, it's better to provide sources instead of binaries. :)
To have an impression how much which platform is used, have a look at
There you see (currently as of writing) 392 downloads for windows but 517 for the raw sources and 60 for MacOS.
The 517 can be any platform/operating system, I personally suspect lots of it to be linux :)