quick pixel art tiles and player request(Platformer)
quick pixel art tiles and player request(Platformer)
I am an mediocer coder and I need some art for a platform game, just 4 quick things:
-A player
-Some terrain
-Coins, hearts, etc
The Player:
A very basic character. Something that would look like a square Kirby made of metal.No arms, hands or legs, just the body/head and feet. Only animation I need is walking and a single jumping sprite.
Some Terrain:
Of course I need some terrain; grass, dirt, and maybe some decorations like flowers, trees and other things that would fitt in.
Coins, Hearts, etc.:
This one pritty much explains itself.
It will not be a good game without something to make it a bitt challenging ;) The amout of enemys is not rellevant, one or ten, it really don't make a difference to me. This one don't matter that much.
It would be really great if someone could take some of their spare time and mek these in 16x16, 24x24 or 32x32 sprites.
I want to use this for a free game, and because I don't get money for it, I can't pay for an artist. You will be credited for your work though. If someone could take time to do something like this for me it had been great!
All those things are already in the gallery many times over, as a search for "platformer" will reveal.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
(Thanks for the link to the RPG project, cemkalyoncu!)
These collections might also be of interest:
http://opengameart.org/content/platformersidescroller-characters-and-ene... a definitive collection of the rpg characters/enemies on OGA. This guy in particular might match what you're after character-wise : http://opengameart.org/content/2d-small-platformer-character
http://opengameart.org/content/platformersidescroller-tiles a collection of all the platformer tiles.
If what you're after isn't there, that's fine, but it's important that you be aware of what's out there and ready to explain why what's available doesn't work, and what you need that's different.
Well the reason that I'm nor just searching for the things im looking for is that I have done it before, and even though I find thinks that I really like, I can't find a character that fits, and when I find a character that I really like, it is without all the animations I need or the resolution is different, etc.
Most of the things you guys have linked to is not new to me. I really like the ones that are linked, but I think that most of the art are overused. I want something more "original". Something that is not used by a lot of people.
I know that I should not expext to get this since I can't pay for the art, but hey, can't harm anyone by asking.
I can understand wanting to have all-original art for your game, but I think you'll definitely find it harder to get free help if that's the reason you're not using what's already here. OGA specializes in art that is meant to be common and reusable--if you're after something that's not "overused" as it were just for the sake of newness you're probably going to need to either pay someone or get an artist on board some other way. It would kind of defeat the purpose of the site to make a whole set of brand new assets for every single project that needs something.
When it comes to new content, I think people are more likely to be willing to expand existing stuff than create something totally new. So say, if there is a character who would fit but lacks the animation you need or a tileset that needs some more tiles I think there's a decent chance that someone would help.
I agree, thanks for the tip ;)