Ironbane, an open source 3D MMO
Ironbane, an open source 3D MMO
Hey everyone! After long struggles I finally open sourced the project so it's easier for anyone to contribute! If you are a programmer, artist, 3D modeler or other and want to work on a cool project, check out the Get Involved page.
Ironbane is an open source action MMO played straight from your browser, using 3D graphics and a retro graphics style.
The game focus on simple gameplay without leveling, fast combat using swords, axes, daggers, bows and magic staves and intense Player vs Player combat. Our intention is to create a vast alive world where players can interact with each other. The main objective of the game is to defeat Ironbane, a dragon hiding in a castle waiting for a challenger. Future updates will include the ability to buy houses, participate in player arenas, do quests, make use of transports such as hot air balloons, boats and trains and many other things that we are still thinking of.
Looks neat, like the style!
Looks really interesting, quite a nice style. I checked out your site but I couldn't really gleam from a quick read what kind of things you actually need done? On the get involved page it says 3d modellers can help out but not how? Is there a list of assets you'd like to get into the game somewhere?
Thanks! I'm sorry for the lack of information, we need a lot of things in-game that decorate the world more. Outside of these models, you can also design entire levels if you like using your favorite modeling package. These can be dungeons, castles, entire landscapes, etc.
At the moment we need things like statues, scenery objects (rocks, trees, bushes), transports (trains, zeppelins, boats), models for chests/signs and a tutorial level. Let me know if that answers your question! I will update the Get Involved page later with more information.
If you like you can add me on Skype. My username is janssen.n, I can provide you with all the info you need!
Thanks for the list.
At the moment, sadly my computer cannot handle running Ironbane (which is kinda sad, but it's a low end laptop). If I ever upgrade I will have a look at playing and contributing.
That looks really interesting. I think I'll ask my friend to play it with me.