Galactic Plunder -- HTML5 at its finest!

Galactic Plunder -- HTML5 at its finest!

bart's picture

From time to time, I like to watch OGA's referer list just to get a good idea of where people are finding our site from, and once in a while, I'll discover something super cool.  This is one of those times. :)

Meet Galactic Plunder, a game by DougX, written entirely in HTML5 and javascript, which makes use of the Canvas element and native audio.  No Flash or Java plugins are necessary to play this game, although you will need an HTML5 compliant browser (the site recommends Firefox or Opera -- no word on Chrome or Safari).  The game itself makes use of some works by Lamoot and Surt archived right here on OGA. :)

There's only one level of play right now, but it looks great and the gameplay is smooth!  Great work, DougX!

