Sprite Creator 3 (Finished) XP & VX

Sprite Creator 3 (Finished) XP & VX

Current project status: 3-28-2014

NEW Videos! Remove/Replace the built in images and how to add your own custom images.

http://bit.ly/1tWueDG <- NEW VIDEO!!! How to remove or replace the built in images. (Including Base templates)
http://bit.ly/1KuGWDy <- How to add your own custom images.

Getting errors? At the bottom are some common errors that are easily fixed that get asked all the time.

Added Saturation, Luminocity, Shade and Tone controls for each layer Brightness and Contrast to Sprite Creator 3 XP Colorizer.

Changes to Sprite Creator 3 XP:

• Changing options in the Colorizer should now work correctly for every option. Before Hair, Shoulder, Hat and Waist did not work correctly.
• SprCre3 XP v20131207.1351 is no longer supported. If you're using the XP version of Sprite Creator 3 you should now use the Colorizer version.

Note: Sprite Creator 3 VX does not have a colorizer option. This option is only available in the Colorizer version for XP. The Colorizer allows you to edit each layer further than before.

Major Changes:

You can now  save the image as well as all of its layers into a seperate folder when you save. This allows you to assemble the character yourself in the fashion you want or even allow gear switching within your game. How you use the option is up to you.

You can now import your own custom graphics into Sprite Creator 3. However there currently is a (26vx, 18xp) item limit for each part selection(ie Bangs gets 26 and Female Hair gets it's own 26 in vx and 18 in xp...ect). Which will change some day with either some kind of page flipping or scrolling function.


Please visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/spritecreator3 for all questions and comments. Follow Sprite Creator 3 to receive content updates.

Requires Java 7+ found here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html This program will NOT run if you do not have Java 7+ installed. Java 7 is recommended. It may still run on Java 6+ but I no longer test under Java 6.

Updated 3-30-2014 All links current.

Artwork not fully created by me although most of it is very heavily modified and in some cases no longer resembles the original object. Ever object is a personal recoloring/refactor.

Did you find this program useful? Help me promote this applet by going to my facebook page and liking and commenting there on the wall. Would love to hear what people have to say.

Sprite Creator 3:
http://www.facebook.com/SpriteCreator3 Facebook

Special Thanks:

  • Axerax at RPGRevolution for the Sprite Creator 3 splash.
  • Holder at RPGRevolution.com for your beard images.
  • Famitsu
  • Zac Ray
  • Looseleaf

I've been getting asked through emails about donations lately. Although not neccessary, if you would like to make a donation to Sprite Creator I can accept paypal at jensen_305@yahoo.com Thank you for your contribution and support.

Removed Adfly links and replaced them with bitly.

http://bit.ly/1rsL2Sd Sprite Creator 3 Download
Images are saved as png with transparency. The Images are saved in the "Saved" folder ;)

Currently being worked on:


Like Sprite Creator 3? Check out my animation tester for VX and XP sprites. http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/animation-tester-for-vx-and-xp


Common errors and how to fix them:

Most problems can be solved by downloading the program again and deleting the orinial completely. You must extract all contents of the zip file. Do not run the jar from inside the zip file. If you do so you will be unable to save.

Images not saving but the folder is there? The folder name is case sensitive it must be named "Saved" Delete the folder and recreate it.

Having trouble adding your own images into Sprite Creator 3? At the top there is a video link on how to do it.

New Layout.png New Layout.png 53.7 Kb [1989 download(s)]
New Options.png New Options.png 97.4 Kb [1549 download(s)]
Sprite Creator 3 XP new.png Sprite Creator 3 XP new.png 47.5 Kb [8424 download(s)]