Sprite Creator 3 (Finished) XP & VX
Sprite Creator 3 (Finished) XP & VX
Current project status: 3-28-2014
NEW Videos! Remove/Replace the built in images and how to add your own custom images.
http://bit.ly/1tWueDG <- NEW VIDEO!!! How to remove or replace the built in images. (Including Base templates)
http://bit.ly/1KuGWDy <- How to add your own custom images.
Getting errors? At the bottom are some common errors that are easily fixed that get asked all the time.
Added Saturation, Luminocity, Shade and Tone controls for each layer Brightness and Contrast to Sprite Creator 3 XP Colorizer.
Changes to Sprite Creator 3 XP:
• Changing options in the Colorizer should now work correctly for every option. Before Hair, Shoulder, Hat and Waist did not work correctly.
• SprCre3 XP v20131207.1351 is no longer supported. If you're using the XP version of Sprite Creator 3 you should now use the Colorizer version.
Note: Sprite Creator 3 VX does not have a colorizer option. This option is only available in the Colorizer version for XP. The Colorizer allows you to edit each layer further than before.
Major Changes:
You can now save the image as well as all of its layers into a seperate folder when you save. This allows you to assemble the character yourself in the fashion you want or even allow gear switching within your game. How you use the option is up to you.
You can now import your own custom graphics into Sprite Creator 3. However there currently is a (26vx, 18xp) item limit for each part selection(ie Bangs gets 26 and Female Hair gets it's own 26 in vx and 18 in xp...ect). Which will change some day with either some kind of page flipping or scrolling function.
Please visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/spritecreator3 for all questions and comments. Follow Sprite Creator 3 to receive content updates.
Requires Java 7+ found here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html This program will NOT run if you do not have Java 7+ installed. Java 7 is recommended. It may still run on Java 6+ but I no longer test under Java 6.
Updated 3-30-2014 All links current.
Artwork not fully created by me although most of it is very heavily modified and in some cases no longer resembles the original object. Ever object is a personal recoloring/refactor.
Did you find this program useful? Help me promote this applet by going to my facebook page and liking and commenting there on the wall. Would love to hear what people have to say.
Sprite Creator 3:
http://www.facebook.com/SpriteCreator3 Facebook
Special Thanks:
- Axerax at RPGRevolution for the Sprite Creator 3 splash.
- Holder at RPGRevolution.com for your beard images.
- Famitsu
- Zac Ray
- Looseleaf
I've been getting asked through emails about donations lately. Although not neccessary, if you would like to make a donation to Sprite Creator I can accept paypal at jensen_305@yahoo.com Thank you for your contribution and support.
Removed Adfly links and replaced them with bitly.
http://bit.ly/1rsL2Sd Sprite Creator 3 Download
Images are saved as png with transparency. The Images are saved in the "Saved" folder ;)
Currently being worked on:
Like Sprite Creator 3? Check out my animation tester for VX and XP sprites. http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/animation-tester-for-vx-and-xp
Common errors and how to fix them:
Most problems can be solved by downloading the program again and deleting the orinial completely. You must extract all contents of the zip file. Do not run the jar from inside the zip file. If you do so you will be unable to save.
Images not saving but the folder is there? The folder name is case sensitive it must be named "Saved" Delete the folder and recreate it.
Having trouble adding your own images into Sprite Creator 3? At the top there is a video link on how to do it.
It's interesting, but the licensing of the assets is very important to us here. If they aren't freely licensed/are edited from proprietary sprites, then it really isn't much use to serious game devs of any stripe. If you wanted to adapt it to use only open source assets, there's a fair amount currently available and I imagine you could get quite a few further contributions as well.
Apologies for the misunderstanding, but I don't think your post was as clear as you think it is. For instance, while you do list some sources of graphics, you don't say what license they are made available under. Similarly, the sentence 'I cannot add images that require a license unless I can get that license free' really isn't perfectly clear; I kind of assume that you mean 'I can't add images unless they're CC0 or otherwise freely licensed' but there are other ways of interpreting it as well. And sentences like "NOTE: For entertainment and my personal use." muddy the waters a bit, though based on your last post I assume it's more of a statement of purpose.
Anyway, I'm glad you've gone out of your way to get permission. Are the base sprites just CC0, or are they under some other license?
"Also? chibi sprites in a serious corparate game? Time to switch companies. This for for people who are new to programming. These are temporary and anyone who uses them in a full finished game would be severly limiting their graphic abilities."
I'm also not sure what you're getting at here. Nobody brought up 'serious corporate game,' (though there are plenty of serious professional games which have used chibi sprites). The quality of the sprites you pictured is quite decent, and would be adequate for some games.
I was refering to this
then it really isn't much use to serious game devs of any stripe.
from your post. I just took 'of any stripe' to the max level."
Gotcha. I actually just meant to cover open source and commercial (ie: small indies).
"The base sprites cannot be used by the end user. No permission, from me or the original image holder, is given to use the base images. Only the compiled sprites are allowed to be used freely. If someone planned to use the base images they would require a license of their own. I was told by Enterbrain that the base paid RTS images cannot be provided if I choose to release the source and that I must exclude them. I can only release the base images in the compiled program."
This, alas, is the crux of the problem. This sort of mixed licensing isn't really a "free" license in many senses of the word, and it's really hard for a dev or artist to navigate exactly what it means. EG: you can use the output, but not the base sprites. So does that mean you can distribute the base, but with say a bit of hair, as part of a freely licensed game? And what if an artist went back and then edited the hair back out? Things like that make devs and artists alike really nervous, and make it hard to use assets licensed this way at all.
Generally it's best to stick with things that are explicitly licensed under a widely used and recognized open-source license, especially one designed for art. While a number of these (like CC-By-SA) have headaches of their own, at the very least they are consistent from one asset to the next and generally a known quantity.
We actually do have a couple of RPG bases with accessories which are freely licensed, including the LPC base (http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/universal-lpc-sprite-sheet) and a 16x18, 8-bit styled base (scattered about in here http://opengameart.org/content/oga-16x16-jrpg-sprites-tiles). While I can understand not wanting to go through and rework the program to use different graphics, what you have is neat enough (simple, effective interface) that if you did it would probably be a hit. There are a few other features that would help (eg: dynamic recoloring of assets in program), but it would still be neat even without that.
Instead of having the base sprite in multiple colors, I'd rather see one base sprite and a set of selectable palettes that can be used for multiple base sprites.
My dad had a stroke over the weekend and I haven't been around to approve posts. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Also, for the record, we get a tremendous volume of spam attempts, so as much as I'd love to turn off the spam filter, I can't do it. If I did, we'd be inundated with far more spam than I could manage. It's unfortunate that it occasionally gets false positives.
I've updated this post but deleted most of the content update posts. Go ahead and delete the posts marked "Deleted" if you can. Greatly appreciated.
Sad to hear about your dad.
Done. Also, I tweaked the spam filter a bit, so hopefully it won't give you any more trouble.
Thank you indeed. I edit the main post quite often. Nice to know that removing an extra " . " and saving the post will no longer require moderation approval. :)
4-17-2013 Reduced CPU usage considerably.
4-20-2013 Fixed "Body" parts #2 and #3 they should now display correctly.
10,000 + view. Very nice
No updates.
I'm new to this thread and all the deleted posts make following it very confusing so forgive me if I'm wrong or going over previously resolved stuff, but isn't this the RPG Maker sprite generator? The sprites made with that are not free to use, you must own RPG Maker VX and can only use it with RPG Maker products.
Here's the original link:
All permissions have been given for use of the images through direct email contact. As well as thanks to those who contributed to the program. There are also a lot more images in Sprite Creator 3 then are available over at Famitsu.
New update.
Animated title bar has been added. As you create your sprite you will be able to see it animated on the start bar. When minimized or behind another window you will still be able to see your sprite animated.
What license, though?
Even if you have permission to use the sprites in a program, it doesn't mean that the sprites have been released under an open license.
Can you provide the text of the emails? For legal reasons, any commercial project making use of the sprites will need some kind of verification of the license.
The compiled sprites made with the program are free to use. The individual images that make up each sprite are not free to use. ie. each bang piece or hair option. As long as the program remains available at no charge.
As for the images that are saved with Sprite Creator 3 those can be used anywhere. It took me a long time to get their attention to get permission but I can send another email over right now and try to get the full info on what is and is not.
EDIT Update: Added Male and Female orc as a base image option.
(For the record, I don't believe it's actually possible to license that way--the individual components can easily be derived from a compiled sprite, so they can't *actually* be freely licensed as long as you aren't allowed to take them apart again into their component pieces.)
**Applies only to Enterbrain images**
I have permission to use the individual images for use with ("Sprite Creator 3") with the understanding that the program ("Sprite Creator 3") be freely and publicly available and all images created be made freely available.
All other images do not require a license and are free to use anywhere in any manner. This includes the custom images created by Axerax, Holder, Ying and myself.
I am contacting them now to get a hard copy. Hopefully get all this cleared up real soon.
Just to avoid further confusion when you contact them, we need specifics about the license they're providing them under. "Freely available" is pretty vague. If you can get them to agree to CC0, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA, that would be optimal.
Sorry to be such a pain about this, but open source and indie developers need legal specifics in order to make sure they're not infringing on anyone's copyrights.
Also, I want you know that I appreciate you taking the time to get this information.
It is not a problem at all. I am just waiting for a response right now. If I don't get one, I'll keep sending requests for information. last time I did this it took forever to get a response.
Update. Added the ability to make your image a ghost.
Many updates have been done. Check out the Change.log
Will no longer be updating forum posts.
Please visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/spritecreator3 for all questions and comments. Follow Sprite Creator 3 to receive content updates.
That looks really useful. It looks a lot like a Japanese site where I saw similar sprite generation stuff. The link is probably floating on this thread somewhere.
I wonder if we could get someone to make an LPC version of this sprite sheet generator, that would be really super useful!
Famitsu. The original version was based off it.
If I had the images I could easily adjust the generator for use like that. Just don't have an artist and I cannot draw myself.
makrohn made the Universal-LPC-spritesheet repository, found here:
I don't know if that's enough to help you without repacking the graphics. It should be everything needed to make a decent sprite sheet generator.
I'd be interested in making a generator for those. Who owns them? Are they free to use. Licensed?
Is there somewhere I can go for info/ or even parts?
That was a project that collected all the sprites from this site into one place and made them available in consistent format. They're all made by different people, many were part of the Liberated Pixel Cup contest last year. They're all free to use, you can see this thread for more info about the first link:
That's where that project started from. As far as license I think most of it is considered dual license under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0 because of the LPC contest.
I made a thread for anyone interested in helping make LPC sprites work with 0circle0's sprite sheet generator. You can find it here:
I'm still waiting for a moderator to approve the thread so it's not showing under the 2D Art discussion listing yet but the link works.
Maybe some attacking animations with each chracter such as sword slash and magic spawner would maybe just maybe add so much more to this. But well done!!!
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It took some time but I did some follow up about the licensing of the sprites. The only time Enterbrain has ever given permission for the RPG Maker sprites to be used outside of Enterbrain's products was for a few rare cases in a very particular circumstance involving porting a game made in RM to work on Android. I'm sorry MitchBrits, but whoever you were contacting about the license to use RPG Maker sprites didn't actually hold the copyright. They most likely made edits and were freely distributing those but they only have the rights to do that with their changes, not the sprites themselves.
The XP Generator. That is Macks sprite generator base. It is not "Enterbrain." Enterbrain had an add on chibi generator (Chibi Chara Tsukuru (ちびキャラツクール) character graphic generator was released on 2008-03-14 as freeware.). They Integrated character generator in RPG Maker VX Ace. If the clothing is from Mack too, then they are legit. I remember checking the rmxp sprites and the clothing, hair, body, and everything. What I checked was not Rmxp material. They are compatible with the Rmxp engine though.
http://www.geocities.jp/kurororo4/looseleaf/ (MACK Generator)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG_Maker_VX#Expansions (Add on Generator)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG_Maker_VX#RPG_Maker_VX_Ace (Integrated generator)
Mack Should be credited for the base sprite, but I do not know where the clothes came from in your program. Macks sprites cannot be shared on sites like OpenGameArt. They can be in the generator and be in games.
I do like these programs though. Nice generators.
New to the forums here but I thought I could make an observation. All of the assets in the XP generator appear to be from the MACK generator.
The best evidence for this is that you can make exactly the same character in both: http://imgur.com/a/vSVvF
The colors seem to have been dulled down a bit and the XP generator is missing the weapon options from the MACK generator (hence the small difference in the rear view between the two sprites) but otherwise the assets appear to be identical.
So it would seem that anything made with the XP generator falls under MACK's terms. The real question in my mind is whether or not the XP generator counts as a "collection of materials" since MACK's terms prohibit distributing things made with his sprite assets in such a collection and the generator isn't really a game per say. Per Google's translation:
"However, distribution regardless of paid gratis is prohibited from distribution in the form of a collection of materials that collects materials alone. Please sell it as a game work to the last."
My guess would be that you can use sprites made in the XP generator in games but not post them on OGA. The legality of the generator itself seems a bit muddy to me though. However I am not a layer.
"However I am not a layer."
I hope you are not "layer." You would not be human if you were a program layer.
Well I do get a bit confused every once in a while but yes, I am most certainly human, and not a lawyer, or a spelling bee champion, or a towel, but I digress.
Can you please tell me how to import resources into the new Sprite creator 3 Unity?