[2D Art] PyORPG needs custom character sprites

[2D Art] PyORPG needs custom character sprites

Hi there.

My project, PyORPG, is in dire need of some custom character sprites, so that nothing is borrowed from Mirage Source.

You can read about PyORPG here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/pyorpg-a-pythonpygame-clone-of-mirage-...

Or visit the website here: http://www.powrtoch.org/pyorpg/

An example of a character sheet (borrowed from Mirage Source) can be seen here:

The image size is 384x32, so each frame should be 32x32.

As seen on the sample character sheet, there's 3 frames for each movement direction. The last frame (the third one) is used as attack animation, so the first two are the only ones used for movement.

Cheers for your time - tell me if you've got any questions!

