[2D Art] PyORPG needs custom character sprites
[2D Art] PyORPG needs custom character sprites
Monday, August 26, 2013 - 03:24
Hi there.
My project, PyORPG, is in dire need of some custom character sprites, so that nothing is borrowed from Mirage Source.
You can read about PyORPG here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/pyorpg-a-pythonpygame-clone-of-mirage-...
Or visit the website here: http://www.powrtoch.org/pyorpg/
An example of a character sheet (borrowed from Mirage Source) can be seen here:
The image size is 384x32, so each frame should be 32x32.
As seen on the sample character sheet, there's 3 frames for each movement direction. The last frame (the third one) is used as attack animation, so the first two are the only ones used for movement.
Cheers for your time - tell me if you've got any questions!
I'm adding hairstyles and clothes to them daily. Also, I just found out today that the weapons found in Crawl fit my character base, so If weapons are needed, they can be equipped. Due to simplicity, however, my characters only have a walk/stand cycle.
Hi Curt. Thanks for your submission!
Your sprites seems to be split up into 40x40 frames rather than 32x32, and the sprites (the characters) are somewhere around 29x35, so I fear it might not be do-able without resizing, which would ruin the pixel quality.
For the record, powrtoch, that is the famous Kain from FF4, not something original to MirageSource.
Is there any particular reason that the character sheets have to be that exact resolution? It's going to be somewhat limiting in a way that isn't really necessary these days. For instance, I'd normally suggest taking a look at CharlesGabriel's classic 16x18 px base (whose many accessories can be seen here: http://opengameart.org/content/oga-16x16-jrpg-sprites-tiles ) for something of a similar resolution, but at 2x it would be 4 pixels too tall for a 32x32 box.
Yeah, I am aware of the Mirage Source sprites being from a Final Fantasy game - which is also the exact reason why I want to get some custom sprites ASAP.
It may not be a stupid idea to use sprites that are 4 pixels too high, as it might give a neat effect on a tiled 32x32 map. A sort of character offset.
I see you're using LPC tiles. Those are made to work with the LPC base, why not use that? If it's the number of animation frames those can be cut down to 4 without looking too strange.
The character offset is a good idea. Go with that.
As far as LPC goes, I think it would fit this project nicely, but custom sprites are better, because they allow for more unique visuals. Good luck finding someone to do LPC quality sprites for free, though.
Twitch Streamer, Web/Game Developer, & Artist
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The LPC characters are 64x64, which would make tiled movement (which PyORPG uses) odd.
A sprite with a width of 32 px, but a larger height, would probably be fine though.
EDIT: The base sprite itself is not wider than 32 px, so it would be possible if there was a way to (hopefully automatically) refit the characters into a charactersheet of 32xY sprites.
EDIT2: Or perhaps it could be done real-time in the game.
I've implemented some sprites from LPC:
Thanks for all your ideas and contributions!
I started working on some sprites for you, and have a question/need clarification on a few things.
I downloaded a sprite sheet from your package (3.png). It was at a size of 64x64, with a total size of 576x256. It has a nine step walk cycle for back, right, front, and left. The one you have above is 32x32 with a two step walk one step attack cycle for each direction. Since the template had a frame size of 64x64, I stuck with that; but only did a two step walk cycle with an extra attack animation frame for each of the four heading directions, since those were your original instructions. That will give me an animation strip of 768x64. I constrained the character width to 32 of the available 64 pixels, roughly centered in the animation frame. Is this alright? I ask because it seemed off to me that you would have some sprite sheets at 384x32, some at 576x256, and then me throwing a 768x64 into the mix.
Also, in the future, can I use all 64 of the pixels available for the width? It would make for a nicer attack frame... and who knows what else.
Hi imager777.
I am really happy to hear that you want to contribute to the project!
I am currently using hack, so that I am able to use the LPC characters. I wanted the sprites to be 32x64 but since the LPC character sheets were split into 64x64, I simple cut away 16px on each side of the sprite sheet.
I am sorry for the confusion, but it's because I went away from the old Mirage Source 4 sprite sheets (as seen in the original post) to the LPC characters, which are 64x64.
If I could decide, then I would prefer a 32x64, as it is easier to implement into my 32x32-tile map engine.
Whether you decide to do an animation strip (one long image with sprites next to each other) or a spritesheet with each direction on each line is up to you.
If you have other questions or something alike, then please do contact me!
You can decide and just did. I'll do 32x64 :) I'll do it in the strip, since I'm assuming you want the attack animation... unless you don't. In the future, if I do more sprites for this, I may do a sheet and just do four more rows for the attacks.
I attached the sprite I'm currently working on to give an idea. It's not done yet. Let me know if it's not alright, otherwise, there's no need to reply and I'll just assume all is well and keep going.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I am liking how it looks - great job!
I would love to have attack animations on the spritesheet/spritestrip since it will make it easier for me to implement into PyORPG fast.
One thing I would like to request (if not too much) is some sprites for monsters or alike, so that the players have something to hunt and kill within the game.
Thank you once again!
I guess I'll upload this here.
If I get some more free time, I'll do a monster too; maybe with more animation frames. This particular sprite could have been cleaner, for sure. So I understand if you don't want to use it. I ended up picking up some illustration work and didn't want to put it off for weeks. If I get a chance to do more, they'll be nicer.
Hi imager777.
Cheers - thanks for your contribution! It's looking great.
I will keep it around, as I can't use it just yet due to only having this single spritesheet in a strip rather than a, well, spritesheet.
As soon as I find some more sprite-"strips" to use, I will inform you so that you can try it out in the game engine!
Glad to help, and thank you.
I was about to do some more (Hopefully, raising my game quality wise.) But what format do you want? I don't want to make sprites that are useless to you. Anyhoo, I'll wait until you settle on a standard then move forward.
If you're up for doing some more, so that I have 2-3 sprites, then it would be perfect!
If you do make these, then I'll stick with sprite-strips (like you're doing) rather than the current spritesheets that I am using.
I'll do three more then, a character and two monsters. Give me about two weeks.
Cheers! I appreciate it.
It's cool; anyhoo, every good game needs a slime.
These are great imager777!
Could you please give the sprites a license before I use them?
I don't know what you mean by "give them a license"; but I made the sprites and as far as I'm concerned you can do as you wish with them. I may or may not post them on my website as well... depending on how I feel at any given time. You can use them in your game, resell them, claim that you made them, modify them (Just don't give me credit after the modification), use them in pornographic animations, etc. I don't particularly care one way or the other. I might have a different take on this if I was dealing with Squaresoft or Wizard of the Coast. Basically, if you have a decent budget and a payroll department, then I should be getting a licensing fee paid to me. Otherwise, this is a person to person dealing. Just keep me in mind if you ever do get/are as big as a company like Wizard of the Coast. I'm never going to take legal action against you for using my work though. That's just not what I'm about.
I guess that was the confirmation I needed from you, cheers!
Again, thank you for your contribution to the project.
There you go. I have some other projects to work on at the moment, but I may do some more in the future if I get the urge.
the robot