Jinn's Icons
Jinn's Icons
Monday, October 14, 2013 - 09:28
Art Type:
These are icons made by Jinn, and which he agreed to be released under the GPL 2.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 licenses.

These are icons made by Jinn, and which he agreed to be released under the GPL 2.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 licenses.
Cool, very warcraftish ;)
Anychance for a dual license also as CC-by-SA?
so i can use this for my android version of torchlight
Julius: Yes, the icons are quite cool :)
About licensing it under CC-by-SA as well, I could ask Jinn (the author) about it.
these orc designs are awefully close to blizzards design. maybe im wrong but it seems like a copyright issue. its basically blizzards orc design with different color / facial markings.
They are generic green orcs, and dozens of games have orcs with this sort of appearance (i.e. Warhammer and Magic: The Gathering) - in no way does this violate Blizzard's copyright.
Oh wow. Commissioning just to blatantly rip off Warcraft II's art, down to the palette? See this sprite sheet and tell me this isn't derivative...
and it's not surprising considering the artist's other work.
This comment goes for the rest of those icons.
First of all, this isn't commissioned work, I just received permission from the artist to post this here.
Second, you are severely mistaken. This is not in any way derivative work of the Warcraft II icons, it was merely inspired by them. Far from a rip off, it is an original creation.
Blizzard's own design for its orcs, for instance, was inspired by those of Warhammer to a great degree, and it is not considered to be derivative work.
Furthermore, this site has many sprites which were inspired by the RPG Maker style (for example), and that is not considered a problem either. This is not any different these icons are just inspired by the WC2 style, but they are not derivative work.
Those considerations aside, it makes me quite sad that you react so aggressively to a good-hearted attempt to contribute to the excellent open art resource that this site is.
I need to make some things about copyright clear to you:
Contrary to what you appear to be telling the world, we take allegations of copyright infringement very seriously here, and we appreciate reports of actual copyright infringement when it takes place.
Some of your allegations of infringement have been correct, and as I said, I appreciate your reports (the offending content has been taken down). Even though you've been exceptionally rude, I'm looking into all of them. However, I have made it clear in another comment that taking inspiration from something isn't a violation of copyright law, even if the source of that inspiration is obvious.
You can't copy a specific character, but it's perfectly legal to have generic humans, orcs, dwarves, and undead, even if they're in a style that's obviously inspired by Warcraft.
So, I'd like to ask a few things of you:
Again, to reiterate, I take all of these claims seriously. There is no "clique" or other type of conspiracy here on OGA to allow unlicensed art to be posted here; in fact, it's very important to me that game developers are safe using the assets they get from here, and that means I need to take these reports seriously regardless of who they came from or who they are against.
In conclusion: Neither I nor the community in general have any desire to be your adversary about any of this stuff. If you want to sift through the archives and look for copyright issues, I would be extremely grateful for that; however, you need to be aware that I can't just take things down unless you give me enough evidence to look into it myself. I would also appreciate it if you stopped assuming malice every time you see a potential issue. Just report the issue without being rude about it, and let me dig into it. Note that if I don't respond to you, I am not deliberately ignoring you; sometimes I just don't see messages. Feel free to send me an admin message, catch me on IRC, post to the forums, talk to another admin, or do anything you need to to get my attention. I hope that you're willing to work with us.
One other thing, if someone is rude to you personally, I would prefer that in the future you take it up with me rather than deleting all of your art, then taking your ball and going home. I would rather deal with rudeness directly than have someone delete all their art assets and walk off without ever letting me know that there was a problem. Unfortunately, I can't personally police all of the comments on the site, but I'm more than willing to deal with issues if I'm made aware of them.
P.S. I'm sorry for hijacking this thread.
Just posting a thank you after including these as character portrait options in my game Mirthless.
Nice :) You can see more icons in a similar style in my other submissions.
And it would be cool if you put up a link to your screenshots/videos of your game so we could check it out!
I posted in the showoff thread about it. Screenshots and videos there. Cant seem to paste the URL on my phone. Otherwise have a look at the links from https://github.com/ajventer/mirthless
Update: now that I'm home.
Very impressive! I love Warcraft, and I am glad that someone is making art inspired by this!