Free (legit) art resources
Free (legit) art resources
I stumbled across this while looking for artistic anatomy resources on the internets. It's an anatomy book, apparently out of copyright, written in 1920. Here's the link on
If you know of any similar free resources, please post them here. :)
Bitmap font:
Pretty much covers all living languages. Released as GFDL and CC-BY-SA.
Note: if you're using this in a game, that's a pretty big image to keep in memory. You might use the raw GNU Unifont format and draw individual pixels instead of blitting images.
Not sure if this was posted before:
Creative Commons sounds (not music)
The big caveat with Freesound is that the default license is Sampling Plus, which isn't nearly as open as it sounds. However, most of the artists there are happy to release their work in a compatible license if you contact them.
I wasn't aware of this until a few minutes ago, but apparently has a ton of public domain texture photos. The textures album can be found here:
Their main site is, of course:
blender stuff: (all CC-0, CC-by or CC-by-sa) (not sure about license stuff here, "free for beginners"..)
Musopen: Public Domain Orchestral recordings
The OLPC people made a huge resource of sound samples which could also be looked at.
I wanted to see if somebody can check out the sounds and see if they are good for any use or not. It would be interesting to see opinions on this repo.
The OLPC sounds are fine for re-use, I can remember seeing a few projects using them, can't remember which though :)
All these assets were created for the commercial MMORPG Ryzom. They are all free to use under Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
You can also download the archive from Source Forge or from torrent (1.4GB). This archive contains all the assets of this website.
Just found this one: There is some very good as well as very bad stuff in there :) All kinds of 2D and 3D art.
Just found this one: There is some very good as well as very bad stuff in there :) All kinds of 2D and 3D art.
Just a little heads up about the small print... the CC license they're under is CC-BY-NC, which means that the works can't be used in libre software.
I think it would behoove us to contact some of the better artists on the list (we can probably do without the spinning penises) and ask them if they'd be willing to license their work without the NC clause. :)
This might interest you: sounds are free for non-commercial use - Lots of them Royalty free music Music, not sure which license, but good stuff
All of your links have a trailing space which makes clicking on them lead to a 404 page.
Anyways, your last link states in the 2nd question of his FAQ that "Title Licensed under Creative Commons 'Attribution 3.0'".
Interestingly enough, in the same FAQ he asks you to purchase a commercial license if you make money with one of the songs.
Edit: The site is great resource, thanks :-)
Found something on my travels, although don't know if it would come under art resources though :-
the user sunburn has posted those two links in the IRC, I only add them here for the sake of archiving and sharing:
Both state the license is "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License", though the second one has that strange statement in their FAQ saying "IMPORTANT NOTE: You are forbidden to package and sell these textures." which indicates that either me or they have no idea what CC-BY is all about.
Ok sorry if I sound a little bossy(I dont know cant think of the word) but that bitmap font allmost certaintly doesnt cover nearly all living languages for 1 simple reason approximently 2thousand languages probably more are oral not written (and very much alive)
some language related links (Basicly a language dictionary) (an organisation dedicated to translating the bible into every languge)
yes that last one is christian dont click on it if you dont want to i'm only linking it because one of their jobs is creating alphabets for those 2,000 previously metioned
you were most likely reffering to trade languages if you were you are completely correct
I only say this because languages are an important subject to me
But I guess everyone already knows it.