Tonight, on a whim, I decided to whip up a tool to generate 5-color gradients for the Dawnbringer32 palette.
Here's the link:
It helps to understand a bit about lighting to be able to use this tool. The idea is that you choose the color of your object, along with the color of the direct light (like the sun) and the color of the ambient light in the scene (like the sky). You also choose the reflectivity of the object -- a perfectly reflective object will not include its own color at all, and instead will be colored entirely by the light hitting it.
I'll probably make more sense if you play around with it. Let me know what you think, or if you have any questions. :)
Ooh, this will be useful. <bookmarks>
Interesting indeed
I added a couple of other sliders to produce some really dramatic lighting effects, as well as the ability to get a bookmark link. Here are a few samples I made of the same grass green color under different lighting conditions:
Here's some samples of what it can do.
Also, be sure to check out the "Taste the Rainbow" link. It's pretty awesome.
Just a heads up, I've made a bunch of changes to this in response to suggestions I've gotten. It's definitely worth checking out, particularly the rainbow version, which allows you to make large groups of color ramps at once, and provides a nice set of swtches for you:
Nice tool. I like the slider concept.
Very nice work, thanks!
This is really sweet.
Something like this integrated with the site to generate colour variations for sumbissions like this would be awesome.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Looks very cool! I will definitevely use this tool for some projects!
Current projects = DETHLANDS (4-bit Metal-platformer) + LOKI'S BREED (shmup)