Hey all Im making a quick and tiny town building simulator game where you start in a dense forrest and build a town.
Maps are randomly generated
villagers have different moods and get quite upset if not fed and housed. Once upset they start rioting and demanding the death of the "mayor". plans to set fire to things later, morale boosters also not implemented yet, except for eating fish. No job queue yet so can only do one job at a time for now.
Currently uses 2 oga submissions that are not mine,
(Green Villiage -
(glitch icons -
Start by gathering food, digging holes for stone, and cutting wood. Once you have cleared an area you can start building homes and roads. Works great on netbooks.
if you have love installed you should just be able to type "love" or drag/drop onto love exec.
Edit: Im making this for my wife because she cant find any good free "village building" games except for microtransaction riddled facebook games.
You should crosspost this on :)
Looks promising, I'd like to see updates on this!
If you like a few suggestions:
Make the text on top, that tells what to do, ( "None", "Select Job", "Cut where?" etc) in a different colour so it stands out a bit.
Have just one road type to place, and pick the tile depending on the 4 neighbours, and update tile type for these neighbours.
If you dig a hole a second time, fill it with water? No idea if this makes sense, I think it would be funny :)
Wow thanks for the comments! Yea, the UI/text needs a little work.
I want to fill water to holes dug where water is a neighboring square. But if you dig in the same hole... dwarf fortress? hehe, ill have to think about that.
I want to add bears, and other troublmakers, as well as farms, walls, etc...
Update! now added migrating villagers, farms, mines, randomized villager names, fires(which spread to other tiles...sometimes...) and a lot of other stuff. Just tested it on the driod with the love apk port! it works!
could you put your project in github or somewhere so at least I'm assured that getting the latest build (at all times) and just have to do a
$git pull origin master
in the repo. to find if any updates have been there.
Ok! So I took your advice and got on github.
There have been a lot of updates since my last posts, including saving/loading with buttons in the top right corner or by pressing escape to autosave and "l" to load. There are new buildings like barns, mines, schools. There are new villager types like holymen, dark elves, bandits and were-wolves. There is also wildlife (only rabbits for now) I brought the difficulty down a little by introducing families, so you only need as many houses as families not one house per person. You can see the families currently as the second number of Population (citizens/families)
There now is a japanese biome using oga's art
you get a 50/50 chance to get a Japanese biome or the forest biome. There are probably bugs in the Japanese biome still, but I can get the houses and barns to build. The Japanese biome uses different resources than the forest biome so you have to harvest those in order to build structures.
Hey guys I put a lot of new screenshots and a few articles on indiedb. It is now known as "LeTown Builder". If you visit please leave a comment! :D
The game also has many new features, like a budding research tree, wildfires that do damage, contaminated food, worker positions, a popup merssaging que, new buildings and more.
Hi xmorg, looks very promising! I suggest putting a thread on too for getting more attention to your project.
love the idea. The only game which I loved in town building game was 'Virtual Villagers' and the series . I tried many which tried to do the same thing but didn't get anywhere.
Thanx for the link to github.
Make sure that there in the README there is a line which says it runs with which love version as I can install both love 0.8 as well as love 0.9 .
Currently running 0.8
$ love --version
LOVE 0.8.0 (Rubber Piggy)
also have a copyright file so GNU/Linux distributions can think of packaging your game in various distributions. I could ask people to package it once the game matures a bit, the first thing they would look for though is the copyright. If the game is GPLv3, MIT (basically most copyleft licenses) should be easier.
Looking for updates.
Edit :- You could also look at in case you feel like packaging the game at some point for debian and debian-based distributions.
Edit 2 :- Just zipped it in debian
~/games/letownbuilder$ zip -r data *
~/games/letownbuilder$ ls
buildings.lua conf.lua filesave.lua menu.lua start_town_builder.bat update.lua
Changelog.txt data Examples main.lua mouse.lua research.lua topics.lua
$ mv
Ran it under love
~/games/letownbuilder$ love
Error: main.lua:1536: attempt to call field 'getDirectoryItems' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
main.lua:1536: in function 'load_game_res'
menu.lua:70: in function 'game_menu_mouse'
mouse.lua:82: in function 'mousepressed'
[string "boot.lua"]:164: in function '?'
[string "boot.lua"]:396: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:373>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Seems it's written for love 0.9 as perhaps also told in the opening screen.
Would upgrade to 0.9 and see if I can play on it.
thanks for the comment. Hey! good news, the startup screen, allows you to toggle between version 0.8 OR 0.9 (default is 0.9) I did this by NOT loading all resources in love.load() but creating a separate wrapper function which runs a loading routine based on what version you selected.
Im keeping 0.8 compatibility for now becase freebsd ports have not yet upgraded to 0.9.
click on the version of the game in the start screen to toggle between versions.
How i package it is by cd .../letownbuilder
zip -r *
it should play this way. I have not tested the game with the data folder zipped separately.
if you get this error "Error: main.lua:1536: attempt to call field 'getDirectoryItems'" you need to toggle the version to 0.8 (click the version to toggle). Im a big beliver in compatibility and backwards compatibility :D