Help liberate and update RotC (Abstract multiplayer FPS)
Help liberate and update RotC (Abstract multiplayer FPS)
I thought this had been mentioned on this forum, but search didn't show up anything.
Anyways, there is a really interesting Torque3D based game currently asking for some funds to update the game from the formerly closed source (years ago) engine to the new MIT licensed one and also go fully FOSS with artworks etc.
Gameplay is quite fun and unique, and you can already try the exsting version (small download due to it's abstract graphics, so no excuse not to try ;) ).
Only 5 days left, but the amount is almost reached, so if you can chip in some dollars.
P.S: the Author is also working on some interesting other more tactical game modes as can be seen here:
Great sucess! Lets see if we can make this game even cooler.
For those that want to look into helping out development.