Cave Man cycle
Cave Man cycle
Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 19:15
Art Type:
A run cycle for a 2d cave-man character. Going to try and do an entire series of assets for this character

A run cycle for a 2d cave-man character. Going to try and do an entire series of assets for this character
Looks great! I'm thinking about using a caveman for a game =)
Thanks! Feel free to use this if you like :)
Good luck on the game, and thanks for the fav!
Looks great but it has a white border. Is it possible to remove the white border so it can be put on any color background and save as a png instead of gif?
the white border is hard to remove after the fact. The border is because of antialiasing on the linework with the background. Hopefully he can fix it.
Uploaded png image sequence without any anitaliasing :)
that is one way to do it. if you want to keep antialiasing draw on a transparent background and save as png. if the background is transparent then it wont sample from whatever background your using during the antialiasing.
our excellent work