Goblin camp is difficult to find
Goblin camp is difficult to find
Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 07:43
After repeatedly killing every goblin I could find, I had to search the forum to find a solution for the goblin camp task, and a friend of mine had the same problem. I think we should tweak the description on where it is. These are the strings:
Attack their encampment up river from here. 20 gold now, 80 more when you return.
The goblins have an encampment up the river from here on the west side. Clear them out and I'll pay you 80 gold.
Maybe change "up river"/"up the river" to "Far up river"/"far up the river"? Or "travel up the west side of the river to find them"?
Sorry for a late answer.
This has been discussed a few times if I recall correctly. However no good solution has been found yet as we had opposing opinions and so the discussion stopped early a few times.
Maybe this is the way to go?
I had this problem too.
I went to the grasslands, kill every goblins (where there are some camps) and did not understannd why the mission wasn't solved.
Maybe modify instructions may help ; rather than just saying "clear the camp" , it'd better to add "and kill their general named xxx".
We're completely redesigning these areas so that there's no confusion. Lessons learned from our alpha!
I'm looking forward to the new content :)
Nothing mentioned above helped. In order to be sure, I "killed" everything that moves, but when returned got the same message that I should follow the river and clear the camp.
OK, found it... I support the idea of the more precise hint...
Hey guys. Maybe it's not right place to ask about it, but my problem is that nothing happens after Guill's missions and I don't know what to do next. Guill says
"It is still dangerous here, but with Maddox defeated his followers will soon find rest." and that's all. No new quests. So what should I do ?
Explore all the maps!
Some quests are found on other maps...
I killed the goblin camp, helped the guill to clean the tower, blew up a pilar amb killed 3 "important" necromancers... but i don't find any more quest...
I can't go to some other maps either, maybe i have to find someone or to be more experienced (i'm level 7)...
can someone say to me (us!) where can we find more quests or how can we go to another maps or caves?
thank you!!!
There should be another map somewhere in the NE corner. East of the river.
It is, it's called "river encampment", and there is a cave, but i cannot go inside because it's "unknown destination" :(
"unknown destination" doesn't exist yet, i. e. the developers didn't create any map there.
ok!! so is there any more quest that exists and i haven't already done?
i did those that are written up here.
for example inside the downstairs that is near the goblin camp, in the middle of the river, in frontier plans, the map it's not created yet but it will?
> the map it's not created yet but it will?
Well the current game is more or less a testing bed to show off engine features. Most of the content was created by our lead developer Clint. Now that he has seen what the engine is all capable off, he is working on a more serious longer and more interesting game. That game will use the flare engine, but not the current maps (nor items?).
So the development of the current content stalled a little and is dependent on others. Dorkster (Justin Jacobs) stepped up and wants to maintain the current content, which is called alpha_demo mod in the settings. I don't know if he just wants to keep the content in sync with the engine development or even add new content. It's free and open source. So you could also step in and add maps if you like to.