JaidynReiman's LPC Assets - Help/Suggestions
JaidynReiman's LPC Assets - Help/Suggestions
Hello everyone at OGA,
I've been around for a little bit, found LPC and OGA about mid-last year and love all the resources available. While I'm still working on trying to get my game started, I'm also trying to work on some new sprites to go with my characters I've already created. I'm hoping to use as many existing hairstyles as possible, and recently I've helped out Joe White a bit in touching up the existing LPC hairstyles (there's still a couple of minor issues in the automation script that he's still working on).
So, first of all, I wanted to share some new hairstyles I'm currently working on. Unlike the "Shoulder" hairstyles I did before (http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-curly-hair-elven-ears-white-cape-with...), where I created them by combining existing hairstyles together, these ones are mostly from scratch.
I'm going to share what I'm working on, and it'd be helpful to have some feedback; I'm more of a programmer than an artist, and I'm not amazing with spriting either. Spriting is probably the best form of art I can do, though, but I can always use feedback.
I'd additionally like to know about proper names for the hairstyles; I'm trying to figure out good names but its difficult!
Any comments or suggestions on how to improve these hairstyles are appreciated! Also, feel free to offer suggestions for additional hairstyles, but PLEASE post a link to the style you'd like to see. I cannot guarantee I'll be able to get to it, as I only really have time on weekends right now to do anything.
I do not take commissions as I'm really just an amateur spriter. If you think my stuff is good enough for commissions, I'd be willing to consider it, but I cannot guarantee I'll be able to get it done in a decent amount of time. For these hairstyles, so far I've found them to take about 2-3 hours. As these are only about 6 full frames, that's definitely not as fast as a more professional spriter can do.
Also note: the layout I'm using is based on Joe White's script, where individual 128x128 images are parsed and positioned onto the full character spritesheets automatically via a script. I just took the eight unique hair animation sprites (four directions and falling sprites) and put them into one image so I could show them off easier. The fact them I'm using the female body sprites means nothing, either; its just so I could show how they look on a body.
I was really just going for a curly hairstyle like this: http://sta.sh/01pza7cfjzn7
It did not turn out the way I had in mind, but I liked how the front pose looked so I decided to finish it. The hairstyle is really intended to be made so I could create a sprite avatar for myself... when my hair grows out it gets really messy as I've got naturally curly hair. This isn't exactly what I had in mind, but I think it turned out well.
I was originally going to call it "Shortfro" and create a separate "Jewfro," until looking it over and this did in fact look like a Jewfro example (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewfro#Similar_styles_internationally). I actually hate afros (I think they look ridiculous), but I didn't realize that these shorter afro styles were considered afros, and I don't mind these so much. I don't plan to create a more traditional afro, but if requested I can probably do it. The "afro" design is suprisingly easy.
This one is still a work-in-progress. Its based on my character, Relm Kisaragi's hairstyle she gets later on. The "Shoulder" hair I linked above? That's Relm's hairstyle at the start of my series, but later she styles her hair this way: http://jaidynreiman.deviantart.com/art/Relm-197635922 (artwork was commissioned by me).
What I planned to do at first is a basic topknot, then create several variations from the topnot; my plan was for a topknot without a ponytail, then have a short, long, and extra long ponytail, perhaps even some with the bangs not pulled up, and others with the bangs pulled up (such as in Relm's hairstyle). The basic Topknot I plan to be something like this in the end: http://manouvellemode.com/2013/03/22/messy-top-knot-for-short-hair/
Unfortunately I'm having some trouble with the shading. The "pull" effect from the hair being pulled up is just not sitting well with me. The front looks decent, but not great. The back I'm having even more troubles figuring it out (I didn't add the back because it looks so bad, I'm going to try and work on fixing it myself).
Other than two strands of the bangs all the hair is pulled up. Although it doesn't look like it, this started off as "bunches" without the pigtails.
Here's what I've got so far:
Future Plans/Ideas:
I plan to do a new hairstyle for all my characters that would not fit into the existing hairstyles. I don't have a list of all of them yet though I've created Gaia Online Dream Avatar sprites for basically every character and eventually I'll get them all with full concept arts.
I also want to do this "curly" style that I failed to do before:
Feel free to suggest additional ideas but I can't guarantee I'll get to them!
So I've updated the Topknot now, finishing all four directions:
I definitely think the back of the hair looks way better than my original plan, though I still have mixed feelings on it. I think these are pretty decent for the base hairstyle now, though. I'm not going to do the fall animations yet, but I will work on finalizing the ponytail designs.
For the first two ponytail designs I'll just grab ponytails off of existing hairstyles, and then I'll create a longer one as well.
If anyone sees this, feedback would be appreciated! Thanks! I'd love to know how I'm doing here.
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I notice you use a 5-colour colour ramp for your hairstyles.
I beg you to switch to a 6-colour one, such as dark-blonde (at least it is called that in my old copy of the universal sprite sheet). The reason is, it is easy to convert from 6-colour to 5-colour (or even 4-colour like raven), but not the other way around.
Besides, the dark-blonde ramp is a beautifully made natural hair ramp, so it is fun to work with anyway.
As for artistic feedback, your work looks fine to me. But that's just your fellow programmer talking.
I figured someone would comment on the palette. This is the "default" LPC palette, and actually, it IS six colors. Its just that in the default palette the lightest color isn't much lighter than the second-lightest so its hard to notice.
I think some time ago, the various colors in the palette got mixed up. Joe White and I were working on trying to correct this and I found a mid-palette color that looked decent, but he ended up using a different one because it was used more often in the palettes. So I went with using the same palette he did instead.
Either way, it doesn't matter much. The "default" LPC palette won't be used often really. Joe White's script will take these basic sprites and recolor it into all the other palettes. I think there's still a couple of minor bugs he's working out, but that's just about done.
Now, I will note that for the "Jewfro" style, its only using six colors. The reason is that the colors are constantly switching around so rapidly that I couldn't really find any place to do the lightest colors. Not all hairstyles need all six colors in the palette, and that's one I found difficult to include the lightest color. I can try and include it if you really want me to.
Thanks for the feedback!
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Ah I see.
I did some hairstyle maintenance for the universal sprite sheet a long time ago and at that time I was annoyed that the "default" palette had only 5 colours. So when I saw your work I suspected you repeat the mistake. And I only checked the jewfro style, not the topknot one. Sorry for that.
No need to change anything. It is fine to use only 5 colour where it makes sense and the jewfro looks fine in dark-blonde without the lightest colour.
I was making that mistake before. I was trying to do new recolors but most of the default hairstyle's palettes were missing the lightest color. I went through and fixed every single existing hairstyle so the lightest color was there (where appropriate, of course), and added the "fall" animations.
I've now finished up Shortknot and Longknot (Short Topknot and Long Topknot), respectively. I'm going to go and finish up XLongknot and then post all three of them up.
I'm not going to add these new hairstyles as new art entries until the positioning/recolor script is fixed, though. Until then additional feedback is welcome and I'll tweak the hairstyles if I get any suggestions.
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Alright, I got them done now! I decided to use three separate palettes for these three variations.
Or "Short Topknot." I made this Dark Blonde. The ponytail was copied directly from Ponytail and Ponytail2. I tried creating my own custom ponytail but it was too symetrical and didn't look very good, so I used the Ponytail from those two to make a better looking one.
Or "Long Topknot." This one is a longer ponytail, about mid-back. Most "long" hairstyles are about mid-back, so I kept up the style. Technically its only down to the shoulders; however, if this wasn't put up it would be about mid-back. I'm trying to keep it consistent.
For this one, I used "Light Blonde 2." Light Blonde just didn't quite work for one of my characters, so I used "Light Blonde 2" to fit my character Maya.
Or "Extra Long Topknot." Personally I'd have preferred renaming the "Long" hairstyles to "Medium," but I'm going with what's already set in stone, so I decided to name ankle-length hairstyles "Xlong" or "Extra Long."
This one specifically is the topknot I really wanted to make, as its the style used for my character Relm. Naturally, I used the "Ruby Red" palette, which was picked off directly from her artwork I commissioned.
I love the first two, and sadly, I don't love the third one. I think its decent, but I also think it needs touching up a bit. But, I'm putting this up for now.
If possible I'm going to try and do a new "Curly" hairstyle later, based on my own hairstyle (because, again, I wanted to create an LPC sprite of me that I could use as an avatar). Can't guarantee I'll get it done today, though.
As per usual, suggestions/feedback/critiques are welcome.
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These hair styles are pretty awesome. Any plans for more after these?
Yeah, I've got tons planned. I've got a lot of characters I'm going to be creating, many of whom cannot be created using the existing hairstyles. I was also going to create another curly hairstyle based on my own hair, too (this was what I was trying to do with Jewfro at first but it didn't turn out right; I finished it because I liked it, but not for me):
http://sta.sh/01pza7cfjzn7 (EDIT NOTE: I deleted my deviantART a while back so any dA links are now dead.)
(Does this link work? I think it should; I believe Sta.sh is publicly viewable but the links aren't provided publicly.)
I've got a short list of characters here (haven't added everyone yet): https://charahub.com/user/jaidynreiman (EDIT NOTE: Charahub went offline a while back.)
Of the ones listed here, I think I've got all the hairstyles covered. Kasuto can use existing hairstyles easy enough, and Lijuona (I only have a Gaia Online artwork for her atm) will use Pixie.
Katryhn... its possible I may need to create an updated one of her, but only very slight changes are needed. Dalton I think will be fine with the "long" hairstyle and of course Relm's hairstyle I just created.
I'll also be designing this hairstyle: https://charahub.com/character/175093/Zephyr-Daividh
And this one: https://charahub.com/character/187486/Xhia-Lorehl (currently there's no zoomed out version of her yet, but it does exist)
These two characters are my wife's but they're from the same universe as my characters (she's got several universes, I've only got one :P).
These are just ones I plan to do in the near-near future. Again, I won't post them as full art until I can auto-generate the positions. I'm also not going to do any new hairstyles until I get a very basic game engine up and running, and I think I've almost got it.
And when I say "very basic" game engine, I basically just mean connecting Tiled (http://www.mapeditor.org/) to RPG-JS (http://rpgjs.com/). I can't do it without editing the core files, but I'll do a pull request and see if they accept my update once its finished.
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No new hairstyles yet, although I did finally get Tiled linked up to RPG-JS and I even wrote a Passability Map script for it. I'm going to be sharing that soon but I need to create a demo to show off how it works, first.
As I got past that hurdle, I also went in and finalized all the "hurt" animations for these Topknot Hairstyles. I'm still working on trying to get them finalized and having the male/female variants fully generated for the Universal LPC Tileset, but once that's done I'll post up these hairstyles as a new Art submission, and I'll try and do one new hairstyle a week.
Here's the updated Topknot Hairstyles:
EDIT NOTE: These were being hosted off my deviantART stash, but I deleted my deviantART a while back. I ultimately replaced this XLong Topknot style with this new one which is more accurate to my character:
This set also has the previously unreleased hairstyles, too.
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I debated whether or not to revive this thread or start a brand new one. Ultimately decided I'll just resume this one. On other forums I was on in the past, typically reopening old threads was frowned upon, but I figured it might be better to keep this in the same thread? Not sure.
I stopped this a while back due to stress in other areas of life as well as having a lot of issues at work. I switched over to trying to write a novel instead of doing a game, did various tries at that. I had to pause that as well, but recently got back into that, and used AI art to help with some inspiration, but I wound up finding the AI art lacking as its not easy to get exactly what I want, especially when using non-standard character designs.
I finished a rough draft of the fantasy novel, but on editing got stuck on some dialogue areas as well as positioning of certain objects and characters during action scenes. I was considering the possibility of creating maps of the locations I'm trying to create using LPC assets and Tiled.
While my work is more stable now, I did have some stuff come up at work that made me want to pursue other goals, with one of them being trying to make a game again. An online friend of mine, Ryukas, brought up the idea of character sprites being used as a base to commission concept art, so I decided I'd pursue that idea as well (but I also want to use said sprites to experiment with game development).
After digging around for options on areas like itch.io, I wound up coming back to LPC.
So far I have posted the following recent updates:
"Relm Kisaragi" is the main inspiration for the long ponytail and elven ear variants. Her design hasn't changed that much since the original commission I made from Halcyon Enigma:
But I have made a bunch of changes to her character and backstory over the years. Still, her base design will still follow this design, but with some modifications (the "oversize sleeves" will be what she uses for both arms, for example; having it be just one arm was based on an old lore idea I since changed up that requires her to hide both her arms now).
The main reason I'm posting this right now is because its just taking forever for me to get the latest update out, as the past several updates have gone through relatively quickly. This next update, however, is me recreating Relm's outfit design, which is a lot of work. I've finally got the full sprites done for the kimono design:

However, I need to finish the long sleeves and boots. Once I realized just how incredibly long this was going to take, I opted to create several variants, including a "normal" kimono design:

I thought about doing a long one as well, going completely over the feet (this one is ankle-length), but for now I decided against that.
Both of these kimonos have their own trim sets as well, to reflect Relm's reddish-pink trimming on her black kimono. I also created a new Obi design based on Relm's here. When I originally made the request from Halcyon Enigma, I actually didn't exactly know that this was a kimono; I just asked him to base it on the Fire Emblem "Swordmaster" outfit. Which I'm pretty sure is just a kimono variant looking back on it. The strap would then be an Obi. I tested this kimono with the existing waist sashes and it works well with those, too, but this really does look best if you have some sort of sash across the middle; its designed with that idea in mind.
In addition, I'm creating two sets of long sleeves, but they're not yet finished. The first is a long sleeve based on Relm's "right" arm, and the second is an oversized sleeve based on her "left" arm. In her final design she'll just have both arms using oversize, but I'm creating both designs anyway to make this more modular. The sleeves also have trimming as well.
Making the sleeves separate was my way of adding more options as well. They're designed to act as a separate layer that goes over the existing sleeves seemlessly. Its POSSIBLE they might mesh with other outfits, but no guarantees there.
I'm... only making the female variant for now. I am going to enable "teen" on the ULPC, because this style does fit it, but I'm not reworking it to make the chest "flat" in that variation, if someone else wants to do that later feel free. I'm not doing male at all (I have no need for it right now, and no dresses are in the "male" style anyway, but perhaps if I was commissioned I MIGHT consider it), and I will eventually do child, but it may take a while. As for "pregnant", its not impossible I might eventually want to do that variation, but at this point I have no plans for it either.
I will likely submit this once all "universal" assets are complete (they should be done over the weekend I think), but I still intend on doing run/jump/sit as I _do_ want these assets for my character Relm. I'll edit my submission with those variants once they are complete.
To finish this off, I'm also creating a couple of new boot variants. And as an added bonus, I created some tabi socks:
NOTE: There's a couple of mistakes here. For one, I did not notice the feet are visible in the second-to-last "down" frame. I have a fix for this coming out later. For two, the "cast" animation has the "white" at the center be transparent because when I noticed I forgot to fill it in with white (due to the similar color scheme to the light skin tone), even though I replaced it in most locations I missed the spellcast animation. I will be fixing this soon.
Unlike the kimono, for the boots and socks I WILL be making male and child variants right away. Relm's boot design has a flap down over it, which is a difficult design to manage. I think I'm going to ignore the "zipper" on the boots, and the red trimming will just be on the rims of the boots instead. There are two variants of these boots; ones with a fold down flap in the front, and the other with just a rim all the way around. These boots I figure will work well for my character Dalton:
https://www.deviantart.com/anniethegreenkitty/art/Dalton-Alder-646016750 (another commission I made from a different artist)
And as such, I fully intend on making the shoes work on the male design. The male design's feet aren't _that_ different, mostly just slightly larger on some frames and in different positions, so it shouldn't be hard to easily shift the boots and socks over to the male design, but the kimono is just too much work for now.
As I get new updates out I'll post more comments here again. After I finish the kimono, I intend on working with ElizaWy's LPC tilesets, creating some tilesets in Tiled, and try designing some maps. My next character sprite submission after this will probably be another "xlong" hairstyle (but not a ponytail) and animate Relm's XLong Ponytail as well.
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Correct. Thread necromancy is impossible here: if there is more content to share on a given topic, then the topic isn't actually dead. Sharing the new content isn't resurrecting it.
If a topic is locked, it's dead, but then resurrecting it by making another post isn't possible.
Thanks for the update!
--Medicine Storm
Thanks for the confirmation.
Latest update: I opened up a Ko-Fi account as another external location to share my updates on. I'll treat this more like a blog with images than anything. I don't expect donations or anything, though the option is there if anyone's interested. This account is MOSTLY to share the assets I work on, and provide more frequent updates when I'm not posting stuff on here very often.
I created a Ko-Fi account mostly so I could follow bluecarrot. Then after reading the site details, decided to create a full page so I could have a casual page to post stuff on. So it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. :P I felt like it'd be better to have Ko-Fi than Patreon, as Patreon kinda expect a more consistent update schedule whereas Ko-Fi I can just post stuff casually whenever I'm able.
So far I've added all fully original assets I have made so far, except for things like the capes. I haven't gotten around to adding those assets yet as I need to recollect them again and potentially add jump/run/sit animations.
I did finish all frames of my new "folded flap" boots, but I need to add the overlays to them, as well as the rimmed boots (which are just the folded flap boots, but without the appearance of them being folded down in the front; instead they're folded down all around the boots). Going to try and finish these up as well as the kimono sleeves on stream tonight, at least for the universal set anyway.
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Well its finally up. I wanted to also finish the male boots/obi before releasing, but I just barely managed to finish the last few frames of the sleeves first.
I already have a PR open on Sanderfrenken's ULPC:
I'll casually work on finishing up the few male assets (boots and obi only, not doing the rest) as well as the sit/run/jump poses. Once these are done I'll drop the zip files separately on the release.
I also added all these assets up to my Ko-Fi Account:
I think next I'm going to work with ElizaWy's versions of the LPC tilesets to create some tilesets and configure them for Tiled, then I'll work on some example map designs. I think once I get the tilesets configured, I'll mix up developing new assets with doing map designs for a little while.
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I wanted to share this first before I finalize it:
Here's spring for comparison, which drops the ice tiles:
Full post here:
This is a tentative idea I have for handling a full LPC Revised Tileset. I went with LPC Revised because all assets there are verified as OGA-BY:
I'm heavily considering grabbing Eliza's climb animations as well and converting the palettes for the ULPC, but that's a future idea.
This is partially inspired by the older LPC Atlas sets:
I went with double the resolution instead because I figured that should be fine now (and I've seen other tilesets even bigger than that). I already configured all the animations in Tiled and added in collision, though I have some concerns about Collision as I need to test it in practice first before I fully map everything out.
1024 x 1024 is too small to fit all the standard environment assets, but 2048 x 2048 was too big. So I went back and revised my original one and condensed a lot of whitespace, then added bridges, tiles (which I thought might work for some road environments), buildings, roofs, etc.
I found all assets for the houses in the "Structures" folder except those specific windows for some reason. So I was planning to rip those windows out and make them a separate tile pieces, but I haven't gotten to that yet. I also realized I do need the roof edge pieces with transparent backgrounds, so I have to squeeze those in as well. There's lots of small little areas of whitespace, where appropriate I added some things.
This is designed with the idea in mind of being a season swap, just like Eliza's four seasons:
Winter has extra tiles for the ice, but there's lots of repetition in the ice tiles because where the water was previously animated, its now static, but the static ice tiles are still duplicated for the animations. The ice tiles are just plain missing from the other sets. I thought it worked better that way, but thinking it over, maybe the idea is that the ice tiles were to be replaced by the standard tiles if you wanted a dynamic changing seasons. This idea is unfortunately not present here, so if the feedback suggests I should do that, I can reconsider how I handle the ice swaps.
The biggest missed opportunity I'm seeing so far right now is a distinct lack of road tiles. I'm shocked I haven't found any. The closest I have found is the "gravel" tiles and the "tile" flooring (which is probably supposed to be interior, but I included it in the exterior set as well because I figure there's some contexts where tiles or wood flooring might work outdoors as well).
Wherever possible I tried to condense whitespace, such as in the west/east waterfalls which were spaced out to match the north/south waterfalls. I did the same for the bridges as well. I was disappointed there's seemingly no stone bridge yet, that's one thing making me hesitant to leave no room up by the bridges. That's probably something likely to be added sooner or later...
I'm surprised there's seemingly no castle tiles either.
The windows are way off to the left while I figure out how to squeeze the remains of the roof pieces in (https://github.com/ElizaWy/LPC/blob/main/Structure/Roofing/Gable%20Shing...), they're only over there temporarily.
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No castles?! I could swear zabin did some LPC castle stuff. Maybe it's just not OGA-BY. I'll go find it.
--Medicine Storm
Yeah castles exist, they're just not in LPC Revised right now.
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If there's too much building content, I'll probably shift that into its own sheet and just leave open the rest of the space for expanding environment assets. I'm probably going to do that, because eventually we will want those castles as well. And I'm sure sooner or later there will also be things like stone bridges, too.
Luckily I have these assets in separate layers.
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Got it. That makes sense. You're working with revised style specifically. I know there was some discussion on what constitutes "Revised" vs regular LPC, but I lost track of the distinction because it seemed like there was a lack of consensus on some points. How are you identifying what is considered Revised? Palette & license?
I'm truly loving this work you're doing. Keep it up, please!
--Medicine Storm
How I'm identifying what's "revised" is "whatever is in ElizyWy's repository":
That being said, if Eliza doesn't get back to working on it, I may include non-Revised assets that are still OGA-BY. That's the main reason why I'm using it to begin with; most of the assets still listed on OGA aren't in OGA-BY.
On the other hand, I'm not using Eliza's character sprites because there's just far more stuff available for ULPC, many of which is also in OGA-BY. I will probably convert Eliza's unique animations to fit the ULPC, though.
It isn't that I'm unwilling to use other assets. Personally speaking I think the licenses aren't saying what people think (my reading is that any assets used in a project or modified must be freely available, but that doesn't extend to the entire game project, similar to bluecarrot's position on this issue). However, I don't want to do something other people are against. So if they think that CC-BY or CC-BY-SA means any game with any assets under those licenses cannot be used in a DRM environment like Steam, console, iOS, etc, I don't want to use those assets if they're not already in OGA-BY. I might use some assets temporarily, such as certain character sprite pieces. I can always replace those later with my own thing, but designing maps is more complicated so I want to be extra cautious with that.
Like I said, I may later include non-Revised assets as long as they're in OGA-BY. But I'd like to wait a bit first before dragging in other stuff and see if Eliza comes back to working on it. Its a complicated project for one person to do so I understand if she's not up for the task. That being said, there's still plenty of assets already there to make a bunch of stuff so its not a big deal.
Anyway, I'll provide an update soon with the split up sheets. I'm trying to leave some room open now for related assets. I already moved the building pieces out of the main sheet.
In Tiled I already have all environment assets (cliffs, water, etc) mapped with collision and animated. So once I finish compiling all these assets I'll probably release the final WIP tilesets. Obviously credits will go to ElizaWy and the older artists who allowed her to license their assets under OGA-BY as well.
I think the final sets of sheets will be:
Environmental Exterior (terrain/water/cliffs/bridges/roads/fences/plants/waterfalls)
I'm primarily focusing on medieval/fantasy elements here, so I may not include all assets. Modern aesthetics will be ignored for now (such as modern house siding), but I can do them by request.
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Posting this update real quick before I go to bed tonight.
First up, its the updated exterior 4-season tilesets:
I included some assets I was going to add into the interior, but which I felt like also worked on the exterior, too, like the smithy which can sometimes be seen outside in games. I included crates, barrels, and jars here as well, and the campfire I missed. As a bonus I threw in a Christmas tree. My intent with this set is that all four tilesets have the exact same layout, so I can easily update all four at once when any new additions are added, and my passability, autotiles, animations, etc, will all remain the same in Tiled.
This is the most complete so far, as all the animations are done and _most_ of the collision is done, I just need to add a few new collision sets. I think maybe I can add autotiles for the forge walls and bridges, but I need to do some research on that. I think the "edge" autotiles don't require the tiles to be connected to another type of tile, but I need to run those tests first.
All the wall assets were moved to a separate sheet:
I left room here for castle tiles and probably also farmhouse tiles and roofs as well. This is primarily just the exteriors of buildings, so that includes walls, roofs, door frames, pillars, windows, and signs. I wanted to add doors, but I realized it'd be complicated with the animation frames. When doors were handled in RPG Maker they were usually set aside as a "character" type sprite instead, so I figured it'd be best to handled it the same way here rather than including the doors as part of the tileset. (Plus I wouldn't have had room anyway.)
I intended on sticking primarily with the medieval aesthetic, but wound up dropping in the modern "siding" walls anyway. Its possible if we don't have enough room for castles those might get removed later, but for now I think its fine.
I'm not happy with the positioning of the assets right underneath the siding walls, but I don't have any idea where the rest of the stuff will go yet. So I tried to position them just to the right of the walls off to the left (the windows) and the door frames along the right side. The 3-tile gap is so an extra 3-tile wide wall can fit alongside each of the six aesthetic designs, just because that room was there... though tbh, maybe the window awnings could go in those spots instead.
The interior tileset is basically completely full now, no more room for anything else:
I tried to include as much as I could but eventually ran out. I probably didn't need to include ALL the food assets, but I think it makes more sense to have them here than the many, many, many variations of chairs and beds which I didn't think were necessary... I stuck with assets that fit the medieval aesthetic as much as possible.
There's a few more small gaps here and there, but at least one is accounted for. The "sideways screens" only have one palette, so I left room to fill out the rest in that section.
Finally, we have interior flooring, which I filled up with basically all assets available:
I originally was trying to add flooring to the walls/roofing set, but finally opted to split it off into its own set. I figured if nothing else, it might be useful to have autotiles on all the carpets.
Because I dedicated an entire sheet to these assets, I had enough room for everything, so I didn't set in this case to strip out assets that didn't fit the medieval aesthetic. That said, I think most of these would work anyway.
The rugs are kinda odd ones out, but I had some extra space on the bottom and no room in the other, and they're a type of flooring asset, so I threw them in as an extra.
Still working on configuring these in Tiled Map Editor; I won't officially release anything on OGA until that's done, as that's honestly the main purpose of doing all this to begin with. These tilesets aren't useful without that already configured.
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I think I'll remove the food assets as well and put them into their own sheet. They would just be overlays sitting on a table or inside a crate or something, anyway, so really aren't necessarily on the main interior tileset. Thankfully I have the food items in a separate layer.
Then I can drop a few "modern" items in there, and fill out some of the remaining missing bed and chair options. Though even then I think I probably still won't have enough room, but I really don't think the food items are necessary here.
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Dropped it here:
So this is just the exterior for now. I'm going to skip out on doing interior stuff right now and move onto other things (the tilesets are complete right now, but I need to configure terrain and collision).
Still, this is comprehensive in regards to LPC Revised exterior tiles. There are gaps left over to fit other things that should be here, though, such as the remaining forge assets (I noticed Eliza didn't include _all_ of bluecarrot's forge assets, even though there are several additional variant types). In addition, eventually I'd like to see bridges and the like, too.
I'll probably start working on converting some OGA-BY assets to LPC Revised later on if I don't see Eliza come back to this soon. As for now, though, I'm going to move on to converting some LPC Revised character assets into OGA-BY, because I really want to see those new character animations get some love. Mostly, while researching LPC Revised, I saw the climbing animation and knew I really wanted that. But Eliza also has feathered wings as well, so I'll grab those and convert them. I'm thinking Eliza didn't change up too many of the animations for the walk cycles, etc, (it looks the same to me, but I can't tell until I compare directly).
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I have a few additional updates here.
First, I went ahead and animated my Relm hairstyle:
I'm highly considering redoing the west/east run animation before I post it, but I'm VERY happy with north/south. Its designed with the idea in mind of being the "wave" of Relm's hair from my original concept art for her from Halcyon:
In addition, I started working on converting some of ElizaWy's assets to ULPC as well, first with the wings (both Feathered and Bat):
Personally I see these "bat" wings more of Dragon wings, but either way, they work well for both. Perhaps some might want a different style of Dragon wings but I think these look quite nicely. I'm going to try and finish Run and Jump first as well before I implement these, but I'm mixed on how those sets are going to go.
I'm highly considering switching over to using ElizaWy's run animations as well, at least for "Female" and "Teen" sets. I haven't done any run animation clothing yet but Eliza has a decent amount of run animation clothes that I think could be nice to see on the ULPC as well.
On another note, I may also end up doing these wings on some of Eliza's other animations, too. Currently they're only on Idle, Sit, Emote, and Walk. With what I have done here I added them to the base "Cast", "Thrust", "Slash", "Shoot", and "Down" animations. The original wings don't have that much animation to them other than shifting position on the back, so the same applies for these poses. Instead I just tried to keep them properly aligned with the back, and I scaled/skewed/rotated them in certain contexts to make them fit (doing subtle touchups in certain situations to make them look cleaner), otherwise I didn't really change all that much. However, doing running and jumping animations theoretically should require some more work to make them look nice. I'll start just by pasting the animations over those spots before considering how to improve them.
I'm not sure yet how I want to "release" the Relm hairstyle updates. Its possible I'll just update the original entry and drop them there, but I'd like to share something new as well. Sharing these wing assets might be a good idea. I can show I mapped them to all frames and added them to ULPC.
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Another update, I finished the run animation for the wings as well as adjusting the side running animations:
I have some concerns with the side animations, because I noticed when combined with the wings it is kinda iffy. If I drop both the hair and wings then the hair suddenly appears in front of the wings at one point, due to the two frames where I have the "side hair" shifting from the background to the foreground, to try and replicate the idea of it coming alongside the body. This was fairly difficult, but I think it looks decent, and certainly way better than the original.
Really hard to figure out how to replicate the same effect from the side, but finally I just reused the same frames and tweaked them a bit.
As for the wings, its really just opening and closing. I think its neat to have that animations, but I'm mixed on the idea of that being the only thing it does on run. However, its also better than just nothing happening either, so I think it looks pretty decent.
Bat wings I didn't get a chance to do yet for run, still need to do jump as well.
EDIT: Another note on the wings... I considered swapping the order of frames on each wing. Not sure if I should or not, but its a possibility.
EDIT 2: I noticed a stray pixel in the side wing so I fixed that, not in the preview, but I fixed it in my version.
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Wonderful! The side frames in that demo image look really good to me.
Any thought given to chitinous wings? Then you'd have the wing trifecta
--Medicine Storm
Yeah I was thinking that fairy-style wings could be the next ones, but mostly I'm just working on cleaning these up for now, adding them to all frames (even Eliza only had four of the animations using the wings), and then my next goal is to make "arm wing" variants. But yeah, maybe I could potentially look into creating a fairy like wing later just to fill in the trifecta.
Sanderfrenken merged the PR now, so the wings are now up here:
In addition I also made a couple of quick minor fixes. Ponytail2 had some skintone issues and Bedhead's second-to-last "down" animation was too far down. These were sitting in Issues for a long time so I finally just got them out of the way:
I just need to fix the animated hair PR now so that can get updated on the ULPC.
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I had considered the possibility of doing these eventually, but someone else already put them out:
That was convenient timing!
I guess I might as well drop some new updates. I decided to go back to doing some new hairstyle variations:
This one is a variation of my XLong Ponytail hairstyle. I liked the main hairstyle enough that I thought this would work nicely as a standalone. I guess you could say this is a version of the same hairstyle if it was loose. I'm calling it "XLong Wavy" because it is extra long and it waves back and forth when walking. I do not yet know how I'm going to handle the Jump/Run, because its not a ponytail in theory it shouldn't move around as much as the existing Run animation goes.
Here's an animated version:
Here's a totally brand new hairstyle:
I forgot to include the "back" hair on the first one. Basically the bottom of the hair is visible in front of the legs at the bottom, but the rest is behind the arm. However, perhaps I should include that anyway, but if I do so, it might confilict with different body sizes, so I'm mixed on it.
The first variation includes new Hair Extensions as well. I decided to make them separate hair extensions and I'll have both variations available on both sides. This one is based on another OC of mine "Princess Shayala".
I'm calling this one "XLong Wavy" as it is designed to be a hairstyle that waves back and forth and its very long.
This one will go into the "Curly" category, but its also a Very Long hairstyle. Not as long as the above two, but still quite long:
I really like the design, but I don't like the lack of animation on the back. I feel like it should be moving around. But its also a very complicated hairstyle to animate which makes that a bigger issue. For now I won't animated it on this frame at least. I know for sure I need to animate it on Run. Even Eliza only added animations for her "Curly" hairstyles on Run and Jump.
Lastly, two new Hair Extensions:
I used this hairstyle because it looks good enouggh to work for the OC who needs these straight bangs. The only addition here are the straight bangs, which I'm adding as new "Hair Extensions". No animations on this one, its not necessary because the bangs are so short. They will be animated on Run and Jump of course.
One final thing, Sanderfrenken and I are looking into how to add other base animations to the ULPC:
My thought originally was to try and keep the animations separate because I thought it'd be a pain to add them into the main ULPC especially with how long its been static. However, Sanderfrenken suggested to include them in the main sheet after all. I opened a PR with this idea in mind, still waiting on a response back. Here's my current thought behind it:
In my testing this works pretty well. All of the existing assets still work fine. Even though those sheets are smaller, it doesn't try to like "stretch" them to fit the entire canvas. It just plops them on top exactly where they were. I added Eliza's Climb because I really wanted Climb, I'll probably do the two Male variation models to fill in those gaps. Below Climb is Idle, Jump, Sit, and Run, in that order. Although Idle is short, I figured eventually its possible we may add in Eliza's animations as well, so to the right of "Idle" we could add in her "Combat Idle" as well.
I'm waiting on Sanderfrenken to respond back before finalizing this. Once it is finalized, I'll start adding in all my existing assets to these frames, and it'll be a bit easier for me to remember to drop these frames in if I have them on the complete universal sheet, too.
Because I'm waiting on final confirmation, though, I'm holding back on doing a lot more at the moment.
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I guess I'll drop some new updates.
The next release I'm planning is a pretty big one but I need to compile enough assets over at ULPC first before I want to do it, so it may take a bit longer before I offiically put up a release on OGA. That being said, there's some big updates coming through over at the ULPC right now:
Originally I tried configuring alternate animations via custom animations but it was too slow to do it effectively. Sanderfrenken brought up another idea, that being to just add all the assets directly to the universal set. Well, I ran some tests, and far as I can tell it works fine. I was able to expand the bodies and heads to encompass all the extra animations, as well as bringing in all new base animations Eliza added to LPC Revised, so we have a much bigger lineup of animations now:
That said, the assets are still missing for much of this. However, the original base animations still work even without them being filled out. I have, however, already finished creating all the mapping for all of the LPC Revised hairstyles as well as all of the various types of ears so far. I want to have a healthy selection of assets first before making an official release.
Adding in the "combat" animations was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I was only focusing on the original assets, Climb, and doing Revised Run, but then I realized that I should just add the new combat animations right away just so they're in place. Plus Eliza has a lot of assets mapped to these already anyway, so it just made sense to include that as well. This is, after all, the "Universal" LPC Character Generator, so it makes sense to just add new base animations as they are created... and due to the way the generator works, it doesn't break the old animations either even if they're not fully filled out to all frames, so that's a nice advantage.
So far I have mapped out all of the hairstyles that exist on LPC Revised and all of the LPC Revised clothing assets (these are, however, missing "down", "cast", "thrust", an "shoot"). I also mapped a few of my hairstyles and ALL of the ears, both the old ear variations (elven, big, long) and all the ears I created. I even added these ears to child, as the old ears (elven, big, long) were missing on child.
I'm also working on trying to clean up some of my older hairstyles and add animations to them, and finish the new hairstyles I was designing as well. These new hairstyle designs would be a separate release of course, but I wanted to wait until we finalized the new Universal asset positions first before doing so.
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I haven't updated this in a while, but after a couple months of not doing much I finally came back to working on finishing this up. My intent is to finish off the LPC Revised conversions before I do the big release I had planned.
Out of all the LPC Revised assets, everything has been implemented except the following:
The only reason I haven't finished Cardigan yet is because the sleeves have a "cuff" pattern on them. The sleeves for the regular shirts (which I already finished) are pretty generic, so I was able to easily just map all layers over the sleeves and past them over all styles.
I just finished up the Heater Shield, along with _all_ patterns, including the patterns that previously were unfinished. That PR hasn't been merged yet, so those assets aren't yet available on the ULPC.
I'm planning to finish the Combat frames for the wings next. All other frames are mapped, its only the combat animations I have yet to finish at this time. I'm hoping to finish this stuff up within the next month or so, after which point I'll drop a full relaese on OGA for all this.
I could drop in some lesser assets as separate releases, but I feel like I really do want to do this whole thing first. It just makes sense because a big part of this is Eliza's combat animations. And my intent is that as more base frames get added, eventually those get added to the ULPC as well. It is, well, the "universal" LPC spritesheet generator after all, so it makes sense to truly make it universal.
By request (and with some help from Sanderfranken) the generator also now has an animation filter. You can filter assets by which assets support specific animations.
That being said, I'm also looking into other areas as well. Been heavily considering delving into FE GBA style sprites, too, which obviously cannot be released here (unless they're fully custom, of which I don't have much experience with that yet). So that might hold me back from doing stuff on OGA. But I want to go back and forth so I don't burn out on just one thing.
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Finally released this. I finished all LPC Revised assets. Eliza's LPC Revised doesn't have the legacy Cast, Thrust, Shoot, or Down, and Legacy Slash on LPC Revised is outdated. On top of that, some assets were missing from Eliza's combat animations, so I had to finish all of these things to get them up.
For now, the clothing assets are not mapped to the "Male" animations yet. LPC Revised only has "Masculine, Thin" and "Feminine, Thin" which are equivalent to "Teen" and "Female" respectively. As such, although "Teen" and "Female" have clothing assets on idle/run/jump/revised combat/sit, the "Male" assets with the thicker body do not at this time. The exception is Overalls; bluecarrot already did Overalls, so I just finished those assets as well. In theory I can use the Overalls to finish the pants assets, but I want to move onto other things for now. Eventually I will do them, though.
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