Palette category?
Palette category?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but a recent post got me thinking, would it be useful to have a place on the site for folks to post color palettes?
When creating new art it might be nice to start with a nice, well thought out palette. From various comments, it seems like most the seasoned artists around this site already have a palette of palettes so to speak that they draw on, but for noobs and programmer artists such as myslef, it could be helpful.
Being able to filter visual art by the palette used would be handy for finding a cohesive set of assets.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
That would pretty much be things like console restrictions and Dawnbreaker's paletts wouldn't it? Isn't that what the collections are for?
My thinking is along the same lines as Sharm. Collections are super generic but they allow for a lot of very useful and flexible purposes that suite things exactly like this. If someone wanted to collect all the Dawn Breaker palette works into a collection and put a link to the palette in the description that would probably suffice for most people.
So I have some thoughts on this:
When we get into the big improvements to searching and curation (which seem likely to happen in a few months, at this rate), the color palette is something that I think would be a good candidate to include in search metadata. This means that we might want to have some option for people to upload palettes (it would be particularly cool if we could accept palette files in whatever format people use to upload them, then convert them automatically to all of the popular palette file formats, since converting them manually for different art programs can be kind of a pain).
If we do this, it'll have to be separate from the normal art upload process, as I wouldn't want people putting licenses on palettes other than CC0 (I'm not sure you can even copyright them, since they're just a list of colors, and if you can, Pantone has shown that no good can come of it).
Anyway, it's something to think about. This isn't something I'm going to pursue until we hit our next funding goal, so now is a great time to talk about it. :)
it seem's rather unlikely that such a search would produce good results at this time. such palettes would need to exist before people would start using them. I know some already do but how many and who actually knows about them. sometimes you need to plant a seed before it can grow.