Memory Castle - PC rogue-like
Memory Castle - PC rogue-like
I've posted "Memory Castle" on GameJolt as a free download for Windows. It uses artwork from OpenGameArt almost exclusively, primarily sprites by Hyptosis, and I'm really grateful to the contributors to this site for sharing their awesome work!
Memory Castle is a minimal dungeon rogue-like with a twist: at the beginning of each stage, you have a few seconds to memorize where all the items and monsters are, then they're hidden and you have to make your way to the exit, picking up items to build your stats and avoiding higher level monsters if you can. There are 30 stages to clear, which takes about 10 minutes, but there is perma-death and it gets quite difficult so it may take a few tries to clear it.
Additional features include 3 unlockable character classes, an interactive tutorial, 7 trophies, 2 game modes, and original music (available for free as well on GameJolt).
It was designed for tablets/phones, so this is really a test version for gathering feedback. It is feature complete and can be played through from beginning to end, but I am continuing to make balancing tweaks and other changes, so if you do try it and run into any problems, please let me know! Thanks for reading my post.
That looks amazing, thanks for sharking it!
Looks awesome!
Thanks for the comments! This game is now available for Android on the Google Play Store (100% free, no ads, no IAP, completely free). With achievements, touch screen controls, increased difficulty, and other improvements. Enjoy!
i just played the android version and it's super nice! i wouldn't have guessed this is PC first.
i just wanted to give it a quick test drive to write a comment but ended up playing to unlock the characters. which i didn't yet because it's the right amount of hard.
for example, i quickly figured out that there are two VIP things on the map you must absolutly remember: where's the key (obviously) and where are enemies MUCH stronger then me :P permadeath++
Thanks for checking it out, glad you're enjoying it!
A couple tips: I try to get all the items on the early stages so I get the item bonus and can buy a good upgrade in the first or second shop. Makes a big difference. Then as it gets harder I still try to grab as many items as I can without taking any huge risks.
It's a very hard game, but it's a real rush to finally beat it!