Tetris Clone - Masonry
Tetris Clone - Masonry
Sunday, July 27, 2014 - 08:50
Art Type:
Here almost all the assets (not the ones I didn't create) for the Javascript Tetris clone i created - Masonry.
This is the link to the game MASONRY - TETRIS CLONE
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Do what you must, just don't be evil.

This zip file is empty.
Woops! Its been updated. My bad. Sorry. :)
groovy. I love the Win image.
Hey, that brings up a question I had about the "Rage" faces. Do you (or anyone) know if they are CC0?
I think this LINK is worth reading.
Its a meme really... so it must/should belong to the public domain.
Hm.. now that you mentioned it, I removed the lose screen image (the one with the broken egg). I specifically remember that one not being mine. Google search ftw.
"Its a meme really... so it must/should belong to the public domain."
Whether it should or not, that's not how the law works. For instance, the original artist of the trollface is actually known, and it doesn't matter how far and wide the image is spread, it's still his work. That's a kind of exceptional case but (with a few notable exceptions) they're all recent creations whose copyright isn't close to expired. Unlike a trademark, you don't have to defend your copyright to maintain it. Now whether it would be practical to collect damages is a different matter, but that doesn't make it legal. One might argue from a different angle that there isn't enough substance to qualify for copyright, but I doubt you'd get much traction on that front.
I am not a lawyer, but that's my understanding of it.
Hm.. what now? Do I remove it from the zip file? and my game? :( I really want to say that its "just" a meme, but Redshirke's comment basically negates just that sentiment. Opinions?
Recreate something similar? After all, neither facial expressions nor art style can be copyrighted.
If we're honest, it's not likely to cause a problem in a publicly-posted game because of the nature of memes' wide distribution and the difficulty of establishing authorship. But it's not something that OGA can host because it isn't technically eligible for FOSS licensing (one has to dot one's is and cross one's ts in this sort of situation). I'd suggest that you look into what cemkalyoncu is suggesting--I imagine that someone would probably be willing to draw up similar images which could be licensed appropriately.
Not meaning to be the bearer of bad news on that--we're always happy when someone is willing to share their hard work in this way, and it's always a bummer to have to point out if there is a technical problem like this.
Hi, I created a tetris game with these assets.
Link here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r0A-DpkKVQ.
Note: Be careful with the loud background music.