Hopeless - Multiplayer FPS Zombies
Hopeless - Multiplayer FPS Zombies
Hi folks
I represent a group of friends who are developing a FPS Multiplayer Zombies of mass action. We started only 3 months ago and the project is growing up very fast. Now we are looking some help, specially with the programing.
If you think you can contribute to the project do not hesitate to contact. If you know of Blender, rig, animation... you can also help.
We are a group that we know what we want and with a good vibe. We are finishing the first level, if you want to contribute to the apocalypse not hesitate to contact.
Watch our videos and screenshot here
Licenses of art and code? Engine used? The embedded screenshots could have also been a bit smaller ;)
Unity 3D and C#
models look nice. I can already see unity is being used because your using UFPS Kit.
Wow, a zombie FPS.
How original...
Not doubting the abilities or dedication of your team, but there have been 100s of small projects just like this that have been mothballed in the past. Your environments and characters seem to be of a good standard, but if the programming is where you are needing help then the potential of the game becomes at lot more limited.
The screenshots here are way too big.
Stay a while and listen.
Much critizism. Its pretty rude to down someones project. Hasnt your mom ever taught you "if you dont have anything nice to say then dont be a ©#@%" :D
Its even somewhat ok to give constructive critizism.
Its not like nobodys playing zombie games. Its a really good genre topic to build off of because of how popular it is and how much publicity it has. Currently im working on an open world zombie surrvival like Dayz but not as complex, simple on COD. I really hope your game will take off good as i think it will. The hardest thing about making a game is to never lose hope, so ont ever give up!