Hi, I'm new

Hi, I'm new

Clint Bellanger's picture

Hey all, I'm Clint "pfunked" Bellanger.  I found this site through deviantart, where I have all of my stuff under the BY-CC-SA licence.  I'm excited to see my work posted here as well.

I'm a software developer by trade; I work in a university library writing search code and various automation apps.  I do a bit of 3D art and game engine programming in my free time.

Most of my relevant work is in these forms:

- Low-rez 3D objects, usually static meshes but I've been doing some rigged stuff lately.  Most of my objects will be UV mapped but untextured.

- 2D sprites and tiles that are essentially prerendered 3D objects.

My genre of preference is 2D isometric fantasy rpgs, but I've also done work in 2d sidescroller platforming in modern settings.  I usually work on my own dream projects and just release all the assets under GPL or CC (I'm not likely to finish a project, but maybe someone else can benefit from my efforts).  I might do requests, can't hurt to ask.

Glad to be here!