Seeking SVG logo for free software game engine project
Seeking SVG logo for free software game engine project
For the past year or so, I have been writing a free software game engine called Sly. Sly differentiates itself from other game engines by using Scheme as the implementation language, being written mostly in a functional style, supporting live coding, encouraging reactive programming, and using a copyleft license (GPLv3+). Sly is built on SDL and OpenGL. Sly supports 2D and 3D graphics, but right now there's more built-in functions for 2D graphics than 3D. Sly currently runs on GNU/Linux operating systems. Support for OS X is planned for the near future, and Windows support is a long term goal. I have implemented enough basic functionality to merit a first release, version 0.1. In order to attract users, I will be putting together a basic homepage for the project on my website, and I would like an attractive vector graphic logo to display prominently on it.
Awhile ago, Chris Webber (who you may know from the Liberated Pixel Cup project), put together an ASCII art logo for me. It is a fox wearing an old-school fedora and holding a cane, and I think it is quite cute. I'm looking for a volunteer to make their own rendition of the Sly fox in a colorful, vector form that keeps the same basic style and light-hearted nature. The work must be dual licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license and the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
If you're interested in learning more about Sly, you can check out the source code on Gitorious, chat with me on the #sly channel on, and/or read my development blog posts:
There are 2 videos and a screenshot in the above blog posts, below are a couple other images:
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for your comments/questions. Happy hacking.
So I am not particulary good at SVG, but here is my attempt! It might make a good placeholder or base for others to improve :)
Thank you so much, Scribe! I think it's a good start! Using just the head and not the body + cane is a good idea. What I'd like to see is more expression from the fox. The ASCII fox feels like a cool, hip dude. This fox seems quite aloof with his googly eyes. :P I also liked the oversized hat in the ASCII version.
(P.S. Since you said you aren't good at making SVGs, I'd also happily accept pixel art variations that I could show off in example programs)
Maybe this is a little better!
I'm not very good at pixel art either tbh! I normally do 3D modelling :D
I got inspired by Scribe and had a little time on my hands, so here is my go at your request.
I think your project is awesome. Continue the good work ;)
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Wow, that's really impressive! Thanks so much! Very high quality. I like the circular background and how you've managed to express so much with only two colors. I think that it's a bit too detailed to scale down very well, though. And maybe a little too sinister looking. I think a fox that could be scaled down to half that size (maybe more?) and still look good would be neat. Integrating the hat more would be cool, too, but I'd be happy to go hatless if it just clutters the design and doesn't work. Anyhow, this is awesome!
Thanks again for taking the time to put something together for me. I'm always so amazed by the nice things that people do for total strangers in the free software/culture communities.
hey dave,
some rework of the logo. I put a smile on the foxes face for a more friendly look and integrated the hat by letting the ears stick through it. Furthermore reduced the white details.
Here it is in 300x300px and 150x150px. Just for the fun of it I added a little banner.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
That's amazing! I love it! I'm definitely going to use this for my logo.
I think that some of the features are not as clear when scaled down. Do you think that there's a way to add some darkness for "lighting" around the eyes, etc. so that things stand out a bit more when scaled down? That's really a minor nitpick, I am extremely happy with the logo. I can't thank you enough for doing this!
I'll post back here when I have the project home page up. I'm currently finishing the rough draft of the Sly manual, then I will focus on the website.
Thanks for the kind feedback :)
here comes the edit with slight shadows.
Thought I could try a more detailed eye for more friendliness. It looks a bit better imho.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Sorry... I just came up with another smaller edit, maybe you like it.
I put some more detail to the eye to achieve more friendliness. Imho it looks better this way.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
very cool, nice work 2D! :)
Looks great! I like this version and the previous a lot for different reasons. This version scales a lot better and feels "complete". The minimalism of the previous version makes it a really great alternative, die-cut logo. I think that both of them will find good uses.
Thank you so much, 2D-Retroperspectives! I will be commiting these to the Sly repo soon. But first, how would you like to be attributed?
Thanks Dave :)
I am happy I could be of help. It would be nice if you could credit me like this:
Jana Ochse
Thanks again and dont hesitate to ask me for help if anything comes up.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Will do! Thanks again! :)
Reviving this old thread to say that it took me a *really* long time to get my act together and release, but I've finally released the first alpha version of Sly!
See for download information and other details.
I'd like to thank 2D-Retroperspectives again for generously providing Sly's logo and even making several revisions for me. Thank you thank you thank you! It meant a lot at the time, and it still means a lot now.
Hey there dave!
Thanks for the news! I am really happy to hear about your release! That's awesome =) If I were a coder I would be glad to test out your engine ... sadly I have no clue about programming xD (shame on me)
Well but trust me when I say: I know how much work goes into such stuff and glady helped you out. So again much respect for your work and free software spirit. It's inspiring! :)
hm... off to facebook and share the news I guess.
Greetings! ;)
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse