Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 00:03
Art Type:
Nothing fancy, but if anyone wanted to make an asteroid game and needs some images, I whipped these up in studio max. Each asteroid has 16 frames of animation. There are 3 different sizes and textures.

Thanks for these, I needed something like this, just for testing purposes and these are just what I was looking for.. :)
Thank you phaelax! I'm using it and I will give you the appropriate credit. Cheers from Brazil!
Do you have a 3D model for these?
I just released my first app!
If you have an apple device, you can see this artwork in action. (Its free!)
I´m fairly new here.. How would i credit you if i were to use this in a game ? :)
olawangen, if you want to give credit (thank you), all I'd care to see mentioned is
Okey, then that is what I´ll do :) The app with this art will be on the app store in a week or so! Thanks
Hi, great stuff, truly love it.
I did following to make single pictures of it:
Thanks! Cheers!
Hi, I love it but is it absolutely necessary to give the credit? I'd like to but my game has no credit menu
Sorry double post
Hey thanks for that, really cool.
I wanna put you in the credits' list could you please provide me a name/nickname to use?
Namaste & Thank you.
Namaste & Thank you.
I finally manage to be on the App Store. Check it out if you want
thanks again
Thank you! These are great stuff! Very well done.
Thanks for the great art :-) i mentioned in the credit please check out my little addicting game if you have an Apple device and let me know what you think
Astro Road by Gulbaek I/S
its also free ;-)
We used this asteroid as one of the spells in our free android game done with open game art assets in 15 hours, Muulore's Quest!
Thank You for Sharing~~Amazing Meteor~~
Thanks, great rocks! I used them in my game, you can check it out here:
I added your nick name and to game credits.
Thanks ^_^
thanks for sharing i think i can use these i will put you in credits of game, OGA already in credits :D
This is perfect for the project i am working on. Thanks.