Logo Help
Logo Help
Hey everybody, I have been doing computer repair in my town as a hobby for a couple years. And now i have a lot of people that call me for computer repair. I decided to make a name and logo and put a couple ads in local papers. However I am having a hard time with the logo design and havnt been able to come up with something that I like. So was hoping maybe I would be able to get some help from some kind soul. I Am just looking for a simple proffesional yet stylish Logo for the buisness name
@ Home Repair
any help would be appreciated thank you.
This is kind of what I have so far. Even maybe some helpful critiques on what you guys might help sell it.
I made a couple images to go with it, Do you think this benefits it? My art skills sometime elude me..
I made a couple images to go with it, Do you think this benefits it? My art skills sometime elude me..
Here is something I knocked up based on what you showed. Personally I think it looks cleaner and more professional, and nothing says tech like vivid neon colours. I imagine it will be more noticible on newspapers and such too. It's an SVG so you can print it at whatever resolution.
Stay a while and listen.
Nice Stuff Arcanorum :)
finished my take on it just a few seconds ago. I think it looks a bit more friendly like this.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Website: http://2dpixx.de
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/2dpixx
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/2dpixx
Yours is better. I was going for attention grabbing, but it lacks 'charm' I think.
I like the circle thing, would be useful for icons, thumbnails, quick identification without having to read anything. I'm not sure what the thing is inside it is though. Looks like a house with a siren on top?
Stay a while and listen.
Thanks :) I was just fooling around its not that great. Yeah should be a house with siren on top.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Website: http://2dpixx.de
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/2dpixx
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/2dpixx
Wow, Thanks to both of you. I like both of your takes on it much better. I really was lacking a good concept and played around with a few. I do Like the house/siren.