Intro to my new game Try it out and feedback.
Intro to my new game Try it out and feedback.
Hey everyone. This is the first game I have ever done. And still do not know what I am doing most of the time. But i got the first few levels done and was hoping to get a little feedback. Since this is strickly a one man team project I do not have the privilege of bouncing ideas off people. So, would like to maybe hear some opinions on things you like. Things you didnt like? Thanks!
Pretty good prototype. I noticed that if you fall to the bottom in level 3, you get stuck down there instead of losing a life. Also, sometimes you can stick to walls while falling if you push yourself into them. I'm not sure if this is intentional, like Meat Boy's ability to cling to walls for climbing.
Wow, yeah I did forget to add the fall outside layout problem. Thank you. Updated that. The walls....Yeah you are suppose to slowly fall downt them. It is something I am working on to make look better. Also am Working on a Wall slide animation. So it Looks more natural.
As far as sticking to a wall. He is not suppose to stick. So...If anyone trying this prototype out happens to notice a spot where he sticks. If you could just let me know roughly where it was.
Thanks, Johndh
I like the graphics. They were unique and nice looking. Althoug things with spring have a spear on their head so I thought I cannot jump on them to kill without getting damage. Also controls were quite nice and jumpping was accurate.
At end of second level after light that rises you can move out side of the level. This was the bug I noticed.
I did not get what was the purpose of the star.
Yes, I just barely put a new link. You should no longer be able to walk outside the layout. Also corrected the problem with falling off the screen. Now you will restart if you fall.
The star will be something that is implemented soon. I plan to allow you to buy powerups from a shop with collected stars. In this demo. I was trying to get the star sprites to correctly show in the right spots where they are needed.
Yes, I actually just put a new link for a slightly updated version. You should no longer be able to walk off the screen. And when you fall outside the layout you will restart to beginning. The Stars I plan to implement sometime soon. I want to have a spot on each world that has a Shop. Where you will be able to buy stuff with collected stars.
Another thing I am thinking about is gathering a certain amount of stars will unlock other hidden levels and bosses.
These first few levels were meant to be short and to get use to controls and elemtents. The new level designs from here on are much longer and harder. With Stars getting harder to find.
Thank you guys for checking it out. It is hard to find all the gliches and problems just playing it though by myself.
I played this game again and I noticed couple of things:
When player dies coins are removed is this expected behaviour.
Many platforms have map screen but you cannot freely move in the map and some mysterious things block your path until you have played certain levels. Why not implement free walk in map and obvious reason which block the path for example gate or big rocks. Gates could be open in levels and rocks removed when certain levels are played. This way you could also add extra levels where player could have some benefits but are not mandatory to play.
Have you thought about adding scores to game?
Yes, How it is currently set up when you die coins are reset. If you Collect 100 cons you get an extra life. Small coins are worth 1 Big coins =10. Some of the levels that I have planned to be after these. Are quite hard and I wanted the first few levels to provide enough chances to get lives for preperation. Especially since on the map you can go back and replay any level.
I love the gate/rock idea. Right now there are Invisable Barriers On completion of the first level the first barrier dissapears. I Suppose if i just made the barriers visable and animate a gate.It would make the map feel more fluent.
Nice work, very "juicy". I like the sound effect for the rocket pack; it sounds like someone sipping the last of a drink through a straw.
* Make the jump higher, but the double jump lower (same net jump height), and only put the spin on the double jump. Reasoning: Currently, the double jump doesn't feel so special, but makes the normal jump feel short. Making the double jump shorter will also make it slightly harder to make some tricky jumps, like falling off a platform then double jumping to a ledge below it.
* Make it so you bounce when you land. The farther you fall, the higher the bounce. This would help add a twist to the controls and make him feel more like the ball that he is.
* Another flying item: wings. Instead of the smooth flying of the rocket pack, it'd be like flappy bird / smb3 style button tapping. You could plan areas around this, with spikes or timed moving obstacles.
Two major things I noticed: One, the extra life in 1-2 really feels like a trap. I'm not sure how you're supposed to get back up without dying, also I kept the life after falling in the pit. Also, although more minor, when using the jetpack, the flames go in front of the clouds even though the player goes behind the clouds.
I think you should have different textures for blocks you can jump through and "normal" blocks. Right now it feels like the physiscs programming is too lousy until you find blocks you can't jump through.