isometric Tululoo demonstration
isometric Tululoo demonstration
Project: Put together an isometric example in Tululoo (HTML5/Canvas).
This is a playable game - but without any polish - e.g alerts() for intro+Credits, and Win/Loss message.
I provide all source here:
I do plan on using this to put together a proper game (in fact a series of short games).
You can play it here:
I really need to introduce a Texture Atlas to load the images (the one major thing missing from Tululoo that I can't easily fix by creating an extension) as this would dramatically increase the load times. (since it is currently loading 300+ tiny sprite images from the server. i.e 300+ server requests. :(
But I am not going to do that as a part of the isometric demo (might be one of the things I work on soon though).
If anyone is interested - I also replaced my website with a HTML5/Canvas website - just for a bit of fun - and to help learn.
I will replace it again when I have enough to put a showcase together:
- dynamically changes viewport depending on resolution.
- has been made into an Android App.
- uses Node.js and for the Contact Us section.
- and some other cool stuff.
Loading time wasn't a big problem I thought.
I tried it again and it reloads everything again -- I'm a bit surprised that the images were not cached by the browser (it could be my browser though, I'm not using any of the major browsers).
What browser? (and on desktop or mobile?)
Did you do a refresh? I am using Chrome on both Desktop and Android phones. If I go back in history, then forward to the website again it uses a cached version - so is very quick.
But if you use the refresh button while on the page itself it gets a new version from the server.
I looked into both Texture Atlas and sprite sheets - for the stuff I want to do sprite sheets will be about as effective - I can cut down the image count to 3 (For the current version), where Texture Atlas could get it to 1.
I don't intend to make any super complex HTML5/Canvas games and implementing the sprite sheet looks so much easier, so I will just do that.
Yeah load times are ok, but quicker is better - and doing 300+ server requests to load 2 sets of sprite animations and textures is just slow and wasteful.
browser is Midori (a quite old version too)
I tried the demo yesterday and today, so the desktop computer has been shutdown and restarted in between. Did not use the refresh button, just followed the link again.
sprite sheets are better, but also harder to implement in-game (though I presume Tululoo supports them already). The extra work to make and use them doesn't seem warranted for a simple demo.
Yeah I am not developing it for the demo - the demo is done and dusted.
I have spend the past few weeks doing learning projects - whilst doing so - some of the code can be kept and re-used as part of a library of code I am building up.
So I will put together the sprite sheet code and will even use the demo to test it - But the actual code I will release separately. (or not at all if the Tululoo community remains dead).
And no, Tululoo doesn't already support sprite sheets - pretty surprisingly because the GUI editor handles them fine to edit them, split them up and even rejoins them to export.
But not the javascript engine. :(
But I think I can fix that easily enough - and i'll put a variable at the top to make it easy to turn it on once the editor has generated your game files.
Out of interest - I implemented sprit sheets as it was far easier to do so.
I made a copy of the demo so a comparison could be made before and after.
This version only needs to load 5 images (if I manually combined some of the files I could have reduced this further).
The 5 images are: blood animation, goblin sprites, zombie sprites, grassland textures and 1 single collision texture image.
I have not released the code for sprite sheet support because I could not make it 'standard' (as I can't edit the GUI itself) - I modified the base javascript that is used to generate the game code.
Yep it loads a lot faster now.