How do I install mods and run them?
How do I install mods and run them?
Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 09:45
I recently downloaded the noname mod and I'm curious on how to get it running. I also noticed the game also has the Empyrean Campaign mod already in a folder but I can't access it in the ingame mods menu. HELP!!!!!!!!
Thx for your post, finally i made new part with ubuntu 10.04, and updated until 14.04, and the latest ubuntu doesnt works on my pc, its too slow.
But i got the grub2.0 and it gave me access to my original dualboot, with win xp =D
So i play Flare 0.19 on win xp =D yeah !!
I try to understand what is a mod but i dont understand.
Can i add the Empyrean campain to my flare 0.19? to get new map and monster?
What can i do with the nomane mod? does it add new map and monsters? or else?
Edit, i have the noname mod in my config, i enable it but how can i play it? Does it add something? new mapp or quest? or weapon or something?
The Empyrean campaign mod is not close to being done yet, so I wouldn't recommend playing it unless you're curious.
The no-name mod is a community-made campaign with new maps, monsters, items, and skills.
Unfortunately, neither are compatible with Flare 0.19 and require the latest development version of the engine from Github.
ok ty for your answer.
I tried to install the mod files into flare 0.19 when i started it all mobs run everywhere without attacking me.
So i understand now why it didnt worked.
Do you know where i can take the new engine for win xp?
I will not try the empyrean project, its just to try the no name mods
edit: i download from git and try to launch it on win xp : nothing.
i have 2 folders flare engine master and flare game master, i didnt found the .exe to launch the game.
Sorry, but we don't produce binary releases of the development version. You need to compile the source code in flare-engine master to create an "exe".
tyvm dorkster
i give up...i understand nothing, i tried to put all the files in the same folder nothing worked...
seems i need to compile lol...idk how to compile =D
I will not try to compile coz i dont want to break the old pc of mine =D, but if you have a link i will read it to know how to compile, for win xp of course, i have gave up on ubuntu coz its too hard for me.
btw do you know where i can have in the flare 0.19 the plate "armor"?
I have plate helmet, plate gauntlet, plate greaves, plate boots but no plate armor...
there is chain cuirass...i have "chain" in coif, glove, boots, pants.
So why i dont have the plate armor? no monster drop it, no seller have it...where is the plate armor?
Plate armor is rare, but it can be dropped by some of the skeletons in the Brother's Lair maps.
Ok i know what is a mod now =D
i tried to merge all the file to make a mod whom works with 0.19 but seems doesnt work, because the maps are too differents, i downlaoded Tiled 0.9 (coz 0.11 doesnt work on my pc) to see how works a map lol, i still understand nothing.
I also find the flare 0.13 XD, i really find the v13 and v15 better to play, but its just my opinion, and i really find flare simply awesome.
Ok, i want to tried to make a mod from the begining.
The base is the fantasycore, where my current char are.
Must i use the alpha demo with the fantasycore? or i can spilt them?
I will try to use the map from noname mod, perhaps i can change the orientation of some map to join the base map (where is the stash).
But i need to understand how to build a mod, is there a tree, or indication step by step on the walkthrough?
i want to add 2 diff maps or 3 if its possible.
First map after the tower of the white wind, coz there is something free here to continue to map and the second map could be after the map full of antlion (near the map of the living bone) there is also a free section to connect some new map. And the last map will be near the beginner area.
Do you know if i can use the noname map and stuff to add them in my mod and run it on 0.19?
Or all the noname stuff running only with the new engine?
While i wait your answer i will try to know how to compil, i really want to try the noname mod.
EDIT: i found the map.tmx for the noname mod, to use with the Tiled soft, but where are the map.tmx for the fanstasycore or alpha mod?