Can't find an art pack that I need
Can't find an art pack that I need
Awhile back I found and downloaded a large pack of character sprites (if I recall it was about 800+) they were in a similar (but not quite) artstyle as to what I've seen in Battle of Wesnoth (Just the characters). Since then Ive rebuilt my computer and of course, I now need said pack. I beleive I downloaded them here on OpenGameArt, but I can't say for certain.
Does anyone know of the pack im thinking of and where I might be able to download it?
This kinda fits that description:
Other than that, the largest collection of characters that are (not quite) wesnoth-esque would probably be the Liberated Pixel Cup set:
--Medicine Storm
I...might be able to work with that franken pack, its certainly going to make my life difficult though. And I know it wasnt part of the LPC because they weren't spritesheets, each one was just a static sprite.
But thank you for trying!
For those interested, I found it:
(Click Tiles Library on left side, page has some weird script stuff going on, cant direct link)
Though I am now unsure as to licensing information.License
Post: Medicine Storm, I just went to your project page and noticed you were using the exact sprites I was looking for. I feel embarrased now, as well as slightly angry you had no idea what sprites I was talking about.
OMG, I am so sorry. I didn't think the DungeonCrawl set, RLTiles, or the David Gervais set (The stuff from, also found here: were Battle of Wesnoth style. I feel stupid for suggesting the LPC set without also considering the tileset I am predominantly using! :/
Glad you were eventually able to get the help (albeit indirect) you were looking for. :)
--Medicine Storm
>I found it:
What made you think these sprites have anything to do with Wesnoth sprites?
Wesnoth sprites:
1. isometric perspective
2. closer to anime-style
3. small size
David Gervais sprites:
1. variable perspective
2. western style (close to SSI's Gold Box games)
3. medium size
I don't think the misunderstanding was due to Jesse's categorization of the sprites. I think it had more to do with me assuming he was familiar with the same types of tilesets I am. If you've never played ToME or Silmar or Angband, the closest relative of David Gervais's art style would probably be Battle for Wesnoth.
I'm not sure I can completely agree with that analysis of the two sprite sets.
1. Although the David Gervais tiles are predominantly 3/4 overhead perspective, they also include some isometric perspective stuff. Also, very few of the Wesnoth character sprites are strictly isometric. Other than the land hexes, most of them would also work ok with 3/4 overhead. Although I may not understand the comparison being made; I'm not familiar with "variable perspective".
2. I do agree here that David Gervais sprites tend to have a different proprotional style from the Wesnoth sprites, but what makes one Western and the other Anime? No disagreement, just curious about the features.
3. The attribution of "small size" to Wesnoth sprites and "medium size" to David Gervais sprites seems backward to me. Wesnoth sprites rarely go below 60x52 and commonly sized 72x72, but David Gervais sprites are almost all 32x32, with some of the larger isometric sprites being as large as 54x54. The largest of the "Medium size" is almost as small as the smallest of the "small size"? That aside, the sizes are still close enough to each other that I wouldn't say they are nothing alike.
--Medicine Storm
1. i.e. there is no perspective/angle standard. Artist used the one he thought looks most cool.
2. Anime = huge heads in proportion to body. Huge eyes in proportion to head. This style is useful in animation to emphasize emotion. Most Gervals sprites have more realistic proportions
3. I.e. Wesnoth sprites are two times larger on average.
Ugh. @Jesse: ignore all that. Your comparison of David Gervais sprites to Wesnoth sprites was reasonable. The failure was on my part. Welcome to OGA and let me know if you need to locate anything else. I promise I'll do better helping you out this time. :D
--Medicine Storm
Oh geez guys, no need for a big fuss.
Please keep in mind that the last time Id seen/used Gervais' sprites was probably about a year ago. While the last time I'd seen Battle for Wesnoth sprites was literally the day before I made this post.
I made the comparison because of the similar angle/view, and both were pixel-art (although varying in quality/size, but like I said, long time ago!).
PS: Medicine Storm: Ive been on for two months longer than you, but thank you for the welcome! (I just havent done much in that time)