Paid Request - ice cream

Paid Request - ice cream

Budget: -/+$50

What is the game about?

It is a ice-cream store game.

What style I am looking for?

Anything, use a similar style to the graphics I have provided or, use your own style.

Source Code Type: Not Open Source

What I need ?

I need you to completely replace ripped art and IP with original work.

I can provide your gameplay footage, of your graphics in an actual working game. After X days/months/years I might be able to give you a downloadable link. Where X is unknown, because I do not know either.

Cheapest offer with decent portfolio will be awarded. Just show me 1 or more graphics you've done. I'm not that picky.

The image attached is an example.

text47358.png text47358.png 267.7 Kb [3 download(s)]