Debian has rejected opensource game, gives no reason, last time was because of hate of a particular contributor.
Debian has rejected opensource game, gives no reason, last time was because of hate of a particular contributor. >From: Ansgar Burchardt >To: >Subject: Not suitable for Debian >Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 08:57:59 +0200 > >Not suitable for Debian. > They don't say why. They package nexuiz, xonotic, openarena, etc for debian. Last time they rejected a package where a contributor they dislike was involved in the project they indicated that it was because they did not like the author ("troll") (ie: no non SJW projects allowed in debian what-so-ever). (¬e=&title=OpenS... ) ( ) This time they gave a vague statement. Could they be forced to explain themselves? The project is fully libre/free/opensource. Code and media. DFSG compliant. Similar projects all are packaged, including ones that are not DFSG compliant. This one is not. They refused to allow an earlier DFSG compliant work (a casino) game who had a disliked person (anti-social-justice/anti-feminist opinion) as a contributor. Is this why they rejected this libre videogame? If so is there any action that can be taken to expose the true nature of Debian? Regardless of their propaganda about being purely a free software haven?
I have since long time the feeling the bosses in Linux are rather trying to destroy it from the inside.
Linux has some very akward policies and in some way no one seems to care to make it really userfriendly means you can find extreme akward bugs where you wonder why no one has fixed it.
The Packagesystem can mess itself up when there are differen versions of the same package required. For me most distros are just hell to work with.
> bosses in Linux are rather trying to destroy it from the inside.
Entirely possible Linux is used as extortion tool. I.e. people behind popular Linux distro may approach Mircrosoft and demand money, otherwise they'll make it userfriendly, damaging Microsoft sales.
It could be the other way - Microsoft approaches distro owners with a business proposal.
I've quickly skimmed google and found that "Ansgar Burchardt" is far from being "bosses in Linux". I'd recommend to contact the tech. committee so that it would be not 'the only opinion' on your project.
Another point: debain repos are awfully outdated. Good for stability but bad for quickly-developing projects like games. So packaging you own debs is better (as for my opinion).
Oh it was my experiences with Linux in general but i did think of Ubuntu rather than debian...
So maybe its a bit offtopic since its about the question why Debian reject packeges without explanation...
Open Source has also became engulfed into the political correctness censorship, straight out of Soviet Russia. You cant say "nigger" or question authorities without being shunned. Today it is 95% politics and just 5% code.
A lot of former punks got job and family with kids, so they are afraid to support freedom of speech and anarchy.
Our project does 95% code, media, music, models, and almost no politics but we won't shun our contributors who hate feminists/sjws/whatever-they-want-to-dislike. Thus our project "doesn't exist" "is shit" "is mental case" etc.
People in things like "Debian Women" just package other people's projects and they are "great contributors", but if one is against SJW stuff then no matter how much code, media, etc you make it "doesn't exist" "shit troll" etc.
Here is something I came across: Agenda said right out in the open: Control the infrastructure to control speech in opensource. These people are "better" than anyone who contributes to our project actual code and media...
Skip to:
>"I was running the package upload one, hellen was running the newbies track, and I believe hanna was running the bugtracking ... thing"
>"and this was actually very popular, not just among women but also among lots of new people who wanted to do those things"
>"and sorta, because we were in control of the infrastructure, we were able to assert our behaviorable policies on people"
>Debian Women
why aren't there "Debian Men" or "Debian Afro-Americans" or "Debian Afro-american Men"?
Mixing software and gender issues just makes no practical sense, unless the software in question is somehow related to breastfeeding or menstrual cycles. Admins should just outright ban any politics. There are separate sites for that.
Can you please give us the full story? What kind of game it was?
> You cant say "nigger" or question
> authorities without being shunned.
> Today it is 95% politics and just 5% code.
"You are allowed to use racial slurs" is as much a political decision as "you are not allowed to use racial slurs". The amount of politics stays the same in both cases.
> Admins should just outright ban any politics.
Do you mean this topic should be banned outright? It’s clearly about politics.
Wow, tinfoil hats all around... If no Debian developer/maintainer is interested in your project, they won't bother adding it to the repository. As simple as that.
Whilst a debate on racial slurs in general is all very interesting, this is off-topic for this site, and as Demetrius says, not allowed on the OGA forums unless it relates to copyright, CC and/or FOSS.
Regarding the previous banned example - when you say "anti-social-justice/anti-feminist opinion", let's be clear here: the person in question had sent this hateful email direct to the Debian Women mailing list: (follow the links posted above).
Now yes, in theory a project should be able to accept software purely on the merits of the software, independent of how much an arsehole the author may or may not be. But sorry, he writes this bunch of hate towards Debian, and then whines that they don't accept his software? He advocates that women should have no rights (along with a suggesting that they seriously injure themselves), and then complains about his right to have software distributed through Debian? Yeah, I've got the World's Smallest Violin here for that.
Imagine if someone sent such an email to Open Game Art? They'd rightly be banned. True, I might suggest we needn't disallow any Free art they'd done if it seemed good, OTOH being banned would prevent such a person uploading it themselves anyway.
I have no idea what bearing that has to your project. I agree it's not a good thing to refuse a project without any reason given. Do you have no idea at all? Or is there some previous history? I mean, if you had no idea at all, I'm curious what you're writing all this extra stuff about "SJW" and feminists...
Regarding the reason for "Debian Women", its purpose is given at .
Oh, I see ChaosEsqueAnthology is by MikeeUSA. So my comments above apply to this too.
My only question now is - are you MikeeUSA?
>Do you mean this topic should be banned outright? It’s clearly about politics.
Exactly! Otherwise you'll get yourself about 9000 new accounts, coming from feminists and other political parties, who will just exploit your site and forum as a free political platform, ruining any constructive discussion about game art and open source.
> Otherwise you'll get yourself about 9000 new
> accounts, coming from feminists and other political
> parties, who will just exploit your site and forum
> as a free political platform, ruining any constructive
> discussion about game art and open source.
[citation needed]
>[citation needed]
i.e. people like MikeeUSA could as well be paid provocateurs, used by feminists to advance their cause and look victimized. Now they can use his speech here as an excuse for bringing to OGA advocacy of their political agenda, which is completely unrelated to art and/or video games.
(By that link I want to say I don't see what the article you've linked has to do with the previous conversation.)
I wanted to point that to avoid such provocation, admins should ban any political discussion, unless it is related to copyright/trademarks/patents.
>It is strange that you are fine with racism of a sort, but once someone is opposed to feminism, which started in england in the mid 1800s in its current form, then they are surely and agent provacatour. The same could be said about you. on the subject of race.
Let me state that clearly: I'm against political bullshit. Be it feminism or anti-feminism.
Regarding OGA, it already hosts a lot of controversial content. For example is a female model with huge breats and hips, "objectifying women".
If political discussion is allowed here, sooner or later, people will start requesting OGA to delete such 3d models. Or pressing OGA into adding female moderators (OGA's staff appears to be all male), who will reject such contributions. So banning politics in advance would be a good choice. Unless, of course, site owner can extort some grants from some related political party.
Demetrius: It is a firstperson shooter, you can also build buildings such as in an RTS, and blocks such as in a sandbox game if you wish. The other mentioned games are also first person shooters, some of the other games have proprietary assets. This game is completely opensource, and it is extensive.
None of that matters because a main contributor hates feminism and wishes to marry young girls.
mdwh, the owner of this site we are talking on has expressed his support for debian's stance and specifically for excluding opensource works by people who are opposed vocally to feminism or women's rights/movement.
That is the type of person he is. That is who he is first and foremost: A very proud male supporter of feminism, who gets part of his pride from the fact that he is not a woman and still supports a movement which places millions of his fellow men in prison (he does not consider them fellows). He is "contrarian" in his mind. He is male and is supporting something that is not helping him but taking away his privledge and giving it to another. He feels smug and good about this. This is who he is. He has stated it (read above).
This is the opensource movement: a collection of misfits who, to project a sense of power, cling to the strong horse. In this day the women's movement is the strong horse. There is no other true reason they do it.
The only discussion that will be banned (and enforced against) are discussions that women would find offensive. This is how it always is. >people will start requesting OGA to delete such 3d models. Tell them to pound sand.
>They are like Bolsheviks. They prefer men to rot in prison and be killed to men preferring young girls to women.
Relax! If you really care about that, you should oppose more damaging government initiatives, like maternal leave and women quotas, which are completely anti-capitalist and came straight out of USSR.
I.e. if you are an employer, you can't just fire a pregnant female, yet, at the same time, government forces you to hire females at your own expense and expense of your clients. And there is nothing you can do, while with Linux distros you can just roll out your own.
The same way, you can't hire illegal immigrants, because that would damage government. I.e. it is not women, who are the problem, but populist politicians in government, advocating socialist politics and welfare.
I do hope this topics gets deleted.
> rather than you just trying to delete
> anything I say that you don't like via
> these internet proxies rather than you
> having the will to say your piece to my face?
If you dislike Internet as a means of communication, you shouldn't have started this discussion in the Internet in the first place.
I love how sending hate mail to people, hoping them to be mutilated and blinded, is described as "what a person believes" (and then you act surprised when said people don't want your game).
This thread probably should be frozen (though I'm tempted to say not deleted, I'm all for seeing someone's true colours).
Ok this thread degraded quite a bit. First off don't push your political beliefs on OGA, and always be respectful of everyone, even people outside the thread. If you don't want to do that find somewhere else to have this discussion.
That said there is an underlying issue that was brought up here which could be considered valid for a discussion on OGA, while I may or may not agree with it, I will allow the discussion as long as it stays civil. By civil I mean respectful, and that means of everyone, in the thread and otherwise, if they do, or do not agree with your views, be respectful.
@chaosesqueteam I removed the most offensive posts of yours, while the original problem of debian not allowing a package due to the contributors political stances could be considered a valid topic I dont want to see retoric, for or against feminism, full stop. You can have that discussion elsewhere.
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
This thread went nowhere useful, and fast.
Locking the thread from new comments.