Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 08:39
I hope I'm in the right forum.. Anyway I'm working on this Centaur model and I would like to get some feedback on it. Also, as I don't intend to animate it, maybe someone would be willing to animate the model, so it would be of even greater use for the community?
It has about 3700 faces right now I'll try to stay under 5k.
I use this horse model as a base, any suggestions on this model?
You should probably post wireframed screenshots. But my only suggestion for now is to make the human part of the centaur (especially the arms) in a T-pose, this will enable it to deform best on animations if it gets rigged.
I agree with Pompei on posting a wireframe version so us modeler's can check out how your approaching your topology and making sure its clean and organized. Also if you want i posted a human model here on OGA a while back you could probably just cut the top half off of him and use that :)
The horse part looks alot more detailed than the torso. 5k polies seem too much if you look at what open source projects are generally using, so I wouldn't be afraid to optimize the horse part to fit better with the torso (but also improve the torso a bit). As already mentioned, wireframe shots help show how the model is structured and are rather useful.
In case you need a hand, here's one: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1482587/hands.blend you can use it under CC-BY 3.0, credited to Lamoot.
Thanks for the feedback so far.
Here the wire, I guess it's true that the especially the legs have too much polys.
As for T-Pose, I heard that the model performs better in animations when animated from a more natural pose. But I can fix the pose of cource.
I want to make the model all by myself because I'm still learning and I want to learn how to do this. If I were to take other persons models I would probably not learn it, or so I thought.
I won't do much the next days so it may take a while until I answer again. I hope you don't mind.
I agree on the legs, you can take alot of those extrusions out, prolly use 2 or 3 extrudes for each leg may save you hundreds of polys :)
Is that your horse model? If so, nice work! Is it licensed in such a way that we could put it on OGA? :)
As for the centaur, it's hard too tell too much without seeing more textures, but the skin color looks kind of pale and sickly at the moment. You might also consider doing a multires so you can model the torso at a higher resolution and get some more muscle definition, then do an AO map and a normal map on the low-res model.
(Not much of a 3D modeler, for the record, so take what I say with a huge grain of salt. :)
Sorry I made you wait so long. I had some issues in RL to fix first.
I reduced the polycount to about 1900 triangles, but the arms and hands need some more detailing. I'm not sure about the hair atm, the easiest solution would probably be a helmet so no hair is showing at all.
As for the horse model, I can upload it, but it's not really finished. The textures are not complete and it's not animated at all. But those issues can be fixed quickly, at least the texture. If I have time for this, I will finish and upload it someday.
I wouldn't reduce it too much. In an ideal world you have an extra high detail model (X0,000 polys) that looks amazing close up, and LODs that use the high detail model as a basis for texturing/normal maps etc.
Get the shape etc right first, then worry about reducing polygons later. ;-)
Well, what's the right shape then? After I fixed the hands the only thing that bugs me are the ears. Any other suggestions?
Great model! I think that the neck could be a bit longer, the ear is too big. You should post a face and side view.
I never worked after an instruction like that myself, but maybe it helps you (lower part of image)
Thanks for the feedback and for the tip with the ear. It helped me alot. 2298 triangles. I don't want to go above 2500, but with the mouth still closed...
The shape is good!
+1, I like the shape.
Perhaps slightly move ears back and up ?
the eyes/nose/mouth are too small (especially the eyes).The distance betwin the two eyes have to be equal to one eye or if it's more it looks like a child if its less it looks a bit weird.
Sorry for my aproximative english...
I knew there was something odd with the eyes, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Thanks for the advice.
Well I fixed the eyes and the mouth and started some basic texturing, but I couldn't find decent quality open source body pictures. The selection on flickrs isn't great the fotos are too small.
Does anyone know where I can find open source body reference pictures as a base for the texture?
maybe the following help?
Ok, here's a wip render. Apart from the seams I think the ears need some rework and the face in general doesn't fit the character of a centaur, it's looking too nice. Also the hands seem a little bit odd and the chest might need a real mesh as a base. But that may be because I'm using no normal map right now. I may be sculpting some details for a bake though.
So what do you think?
I like it. Perhaps change hair to brown ?
Excellent! I think that a centaur is a nice character actualy and I like it like that but maybe you can make several models from the one. An old one , a female, ... that can be used as NPC.
Puuh, maybe I'll make some more, but that would be quite a lot of work... For an old one a texture redo might work, but for a female, I'd have to make a whole new model. I'll think about it.
But I'm glad you like it.
Well I added a normalmap, although it doesn't show up as much as I hoped. Also I fixed most seams.
I think the proportions could use some tweaking. Most centaurs are proportioned as if a regular human was stitched to a regular horse. You'd have to make the horse body much larger (or the human part much smaller) to fit those dimensions. As it is now, it looks like a human torso attached to a pony.
Hey, when will the horse be finished? We could use it for Freesiege (especially with animations): http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=597 Otherwise we'll have to use the pink pony: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=597&start=125#p9590 :D
And there's already a horse rig on OGA: http://opengameart.org/content/blender-horse-rig-alex
Nice model by the way.