EGA/Tandy 16 color tiles
EGA/Tandy 16 color tiles
Monday, June 15, 2015 - 23:50
Hey guys first time on here. I am building a demo to run on my newly acquired Tandy 1000 HX with 320x200 16 color graphics.
I would like to find complete tilesets that work in the EGA 16 color palette.
I am interested in side scrolling and top down.
I have been searching on this site and found a couple that are close contenders but would like a real tileset that has tiles on a page with no space in between for programmatic access and some samples of fully completed screens with those tiles.
Some 16 color tilesets are nice but they are using an arbitrary palette and don't convert to the limited CGA/EGA/Tandy 16 color palette very well.
Any help finding this is appreciated.
I will say one thing I like about Pyxel Edit is it has a bunch of preloaded pallets. I am planning to use the 16 color(loved maniac mansions original art). I picked the program up just for creating with that pallet.
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I just purchased it. Thanks for the tip.
I hope it comes with a CGA/EGA palette. If not then I'll build one.
I did build one in Gimp but Gimp is general purpose and has its place but this should help me build my own tiles.
FYI here is the palette I am talking about.
You are welcome. I found out about it watching a series on pixel art, the guy giving the series is the developer. It has a c64 pallete so you would think it had a cga, but alas it does not. I found this entry in wikipedia when trying to see how close cga was to the commie.
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It does have the ega palette. Works great. Built a simple scrolling tileset in half hour. A real expert could make it look nicer but this is a good start.
Cool, if we keep it up we will get there. According to the book tipping point it just takes 10,000 hours of practice to get there LOL
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