
"rantt" used this in his game, feel free to check it out here -
( And while you're there, try to beat my score ! :D )
Changed license to CC-BY 3.0
Added .ogg and .wav files

I like it, I like it a lot. I could find many uses for it.
Nice ! I'm glad you like it
This is a fantastic track. I used it in a quick little html5 game I did. You can check it out at
That's actually pretty good ! Let me know if you ever release it on Google Play or something cause I'll definitely play that on my phone.
By the way, the "Lvl: undefined" is intended or you didn't think anyone will get that far ? :D
Thanks, glad you liked it :) and yes you definitely broke it. No one had actually got that far before, not even So I created a new level after that, 'Lvl: extenz' anything higher than that is 'Lvl: extenz X <number>'. Thanks again, and yeah I'll let you know if I put it up on Google Play.
Pretty Good, I noticed the song was slowed a little
I added link to your game into the description, I hope you don't mind <3
@Homingstar - Thanks for letting me know, I had re-encoded the track for ogg. Probably should've used extenz's ogg instead. I was trying to save space on the file size so I could use the whole song.
@extenz - I don't mind at all, thanks for doing that :) And you score is insane! You're definitely better at this game than I
I used your song in a trailer for a game im making, heres the link, this song is amazing!
I will be using this next update on Yure Goes Hop Hop
I made this game with your music