Tile2Map online editor come with opengameart cc0 tile

Tile2Map online editor come with opengameart cc0 tile

cotteux's picture

New Project in early Beta, Tile2Map , an html5 online tile map editor compatible with construct 2, tiled, unity and more.


tiles format is 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64


only load scirra/json file,  export to scirra/json and tmx


website : http://www.tile2map.com


Chrome Os : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tile2map/cpodckepeeecpngllagnppncmiokoedc


Android Os : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gaminster.tile2map070

Available on opengameart if you need the tsx tile when you export in tmx


Tileset with tsx

tile2map_sshot.PNG tile2map_sshot.PNG 229 Kb [15 download(s)]