Home Objects

Home Objects


These are objects from a game I was working on long ago, however it has since been abandoned and I would hate to see these go to waste. They are already set up in 32x32 spaces with a transparent background.


I've gone ahead and uploaded an alternate set that I did a few months ago that includes more detail, new objects, and a revised palette. I'll leave both versions up, so that you may choose which ever you'd prefer.

Attribution Instructions: 
Feel free to use however you want. Credit isn't necessary but much appreciated. If you do credit, simply credit me as Janna or Lilius, thanks!
House Objects 1.png House Objects 1.png 2.8 Kb [4128 download(s)]
House Objects 1 Revised.png House Objects 1 Revised.png 6.1 Kb [5132 download(s)]