The hunt for the lost rainbow jewels
The hunt for the lost rainbow jewels
The rainbow jewels which give the world the colors have been abduced from the temple of the rainbow colors! The world will brelach out to gray if you can't retrieve the jewels in time.
This is more or less the background story for my current RPG project. It will be an action RPG, inspired by games like Diablo and Diablo II, a crossover of roguelikes and realtime games. It's open source, and at some point I'll need help with artwork, particulary item artwork - that's why I registered here, but I want to wait a while longer before actively asking for help.
I've published some of my art here, and the project uses some item art from here, too.
A few previews of the temple and a dungeon area:
Currently I'm in the progress of designing the game world, and also some more graphics for the game. I'm particulary bad at armor graphics though, so if you know where to get free armor artwork (body armor, helmets, gloves, boots), please let me know. Body armor needs to be about 64x96 pixels, helmets, gloves and botos will be 64x64, more or less. Downscaling larger images isn't a problem. I've tried to search this site, but my search-fu wasn't strong enough to find something appropriate.
the wall break away looks really good
Thanks :) I'm also quite pleased with them.
A new story snippet:
With the rainbow guards at his heels, the thief had no time pick up the jewel that dropped from his bag, when he tripped over an old bucket in the darkness near the village well. The jewel bounced, rolled, and was gone in the sewers as quickly as the thief was in the shadows, before the guards arrived.
The imps like shiny things, they fetched the jewel from the sewers and keep it deep in their catacombs since then.
First quest to be. The other jewels will be much harder to find, but I want an early moment of success for the player. What bothers me, is that I still have no convincing design for the rainbow jewels, something that really strikes, even in 64x64 pixel size ...
why dont you try to give them colour related shapes? the red one would resemble a hearth, the blue a tear or water drop, the yellow a sun, the green a tree, and so on...
I like this idea. It will make them more special, not only color, but if chosen well, signs of life and the whole world. I'm not sure if I can do that, considering my graphics skills, but I'll try.
Thanks :)
Now with more scary! Dungeons became daaaaark ...
Besides the light effect, it includes a few performance optimizations, but also renders an additional map layer ...
Notable improvements: Item labels on the map display don't overlap anymore. You can click a label to pick up the item. The leg armor slot works again, it was bugged in the r016.
Wall mounted torches are something fine ... and these don't even stain the walls!
I've published a new development snapshot:
Changes since v0.18:
- Improved visual feedback in combat.
- Fixed 'undying' invisible enemy bug.
- Added shadow effect for player character.
- Added wall mounted torches with a light effect.
- Changed pathfinding to use a thread pool instead of creating new thread instances for each path.
- Added frost nova spell effect.
- Added magic rod graphics and item data. They have no function yet, even if you might find one.
- Added a first draft of the rainbow temple map.
- Improved temple graphics.
I've started to work on overlay graphics and code to show the equipment of the PC. I've started with a shield.
It's fairly time consuming to create the overlays. I'm not sure if it was a good idea to start this, even if I only do overlays for the most frequent types of equipme, I quickly end up with a blade, an axe, a club, two or three sorts of shields, armor, helms ... that looks like a weeks worth of free time just going into the equipment overlays.
Seven jewels have been stolen. So far, the location of the first one was known, it went down the sewers and ended up in the imp catacombs.
Among the classic locations of importance, pyramids always have been among the most impressive.
And as it seems, the second jewel has been hidden in a particularly pale place, the uncolored pyramid, home of the grey mummy.
I've published a new development snapshot. This time it's a more "in-between" version, because the pyramid interiors are not done yet, and the pyramid map is done only partly.
I want to say thanks to all the folks who publish their art here on OGA. Without you, this project would look a lot worse.
I wish I could make better looking water surfaces - today I made a pond for the rainbow temple map:
And the village map got a waypoint - using Clint Bellangers teleporter graphics ( )
Today I feel a bit disappointed - the project isn't looking bad, but I can't get it the way I want. The controls are clumsy, the magic system is largely non-existing, I have no real idea how to make good looking graphics effects with OpenGL, and still the project feels like bloatware: 12MB download for a walkaround demo - which even stalls on slower systems.
Maybe my winter depression is creeping at me again. There is little to be happy about these days. It's dark, cold, and the autumn leaves are dropping, soon the world will be brown and gray, dirty. Pale, colorless, like baddies in my project want it to be, too.
I think I must rename the gray mummy to the white mummy, since after finding this goodie I got a grayer stronhold than the pyramid, to where one of the jewels will be kept. Gray Knight .. or maybe an undead gray knight? Who knows. Gray for sure. And thanks to the artist for putting this nice work into the public domain!
I've published a new snapshot, because two things felt so unfinished in the last release. There was the pyramid, but you couldn't enter it. And there was the experimental item graphics overlay feature for the PC, which had a shield overlay, but no weapon. Now there is also a weapon overlay, that is shown if the PC is actually wielding a weapon, and there is a new map generator for the pyramid. It only produces a group of empty rooms though, but well, at least you can actually enter the pyramid.
- Added pond and waypoint graphics.
- All item defense values were multiplied by 10, to make a +5% mod more meaningful.
- Added new blacksmith graphics.
- Added stronghold graphics, not used in game yet.
- Fix: Monster lairs should no longer overlap.
- Added pyramid dungeon.
- Added PC graphics sword overlay.
- Added UI spell icons.