Deevad's Pepper and Carrot?

Deevad's Pepper and Carrot?

surt's picture

I've been thinking that Deevad's CC-BY licensed Pepper and Carrot comic could be adapted to a cute old-school platform game:

Mischievous Carrot getting himself into all sorts of trouble. eg:

  • Pepper is bed-ridden with the flu so Carrot decides he will concoct a cure-all potion from one of her spellbooks and must got out questing for all the necessary reagents.
  • One-day when Pepper is away on business Carrot decides to joyride her broomstick but falls off and gets it stuck high up in an enchanted tree, so must retrieve it before Pepper gets home.
  • Etc.

Probably best to wait for more source content before doing anything serious, not that I very likely will, mind. (You could help in this regard by supporting Deevad's Patreon campaign).

Likenesses are terrible (I suck hard at characters):