Free print&play collecting card game looking for 2d artists
Free print&play collecting card game looking for 2d artists
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - 05:49
I'm working on free print&play table-top CCG (like Magic: The Gathering, for example). It's almost playable now, but I have not much paintings.
There are samples of current cards:
So, we need 2d gray-scale (game oriented to be printed on any printer) images on Sci-Fi/Fantasy theme.
Contact me: dcdarv at gmail dot com
I've been addicted to magic the gathering for a quite long time and I'd love to see your project complete... You can find my pictures on OGA and see what I can do. I'm definitely not the best artist here, but I'd love to help you in any way.
Just one other thing: having a look at your cards, I noticed that they're really similar to magic in effects and so on... This things might be under copyright. You'd better check it, before.
I believe the tap symbol and/or mechanic is trademarked/copyrighted.
Already did. We don't use any copyrighted stuff: turn sing, symbol of mana or mtg card names. Another similiar things, like rules text on cards are not copyrighted (and was used in other CCGs, for example Pokemon). It stuff is good and we do not want reinvent a bycicle. Our target auditory is MTG players that hate disbalance of MTG and want more sport-like or chess-like gameplay
tap symbol is, mechanic is not.
we don't use MTG mechanic exactly. "Rules on cards" mechanic can not be copyrighted, and it was used on other CCGs, on Pokemon CCG for example
OK, so if you're not breaking any copyright rule your project is very interesting. I'll help you in any way I can.
If the tap symbol is trademarked and not copyrighted (I don't know if it is), then your symbol might be close enough to infringe. Anyway, I don't want to be pessimistic, more free card games would be awesome :)
our tap symbol is not critical important ) i am not artist, so, if you can draw another one, we accept it)
the black and white thing seems pretty limiting, I know you want to get it on as many printers as possible, but most people have access to a colour printer these days, and I just cant imagine being as inspired by black and white printed out paper as colourful cards.
yes, grayscale is limiting, but it is authetic and we are focusing on gameplay and cheap, not art
Just one question about the cards: what do you exactly mean with 'Destroyer of Metal'? If you mean a destroyer made of metal, you might be interested in my mechanic giant; but if you mean something that destroy metal, I will draw something else. In any case, I'll try to make a picture for this card...
Destroyer of Metal
Unit - Human Wizard
Protection from Robots and Cyborgs
It is wizard that destroys Robots and Cyborgs)
Understood. Thanks
I made a graphic for your "Mechanical Wings"-Card.
I have also put it in your current card-design. Looks like this:
I hope you like it!
Perfect! can you draw more
Maybe I am going to draw another one, but I am currently a little bit busy and don't want to promise that.
Edit: I just made another one...
Uploaded the Destroyer of Metal. Hope that's fine. Now I'll try to make the philosopher's stone.
@Scrittl: love your pictures!
Made the Philosopher's Stone. It should be fine...
Great job, draw more! )
Howdy darvin & all.
Given what you are trying to achieve I'd like to take the opportunity to invite you and everyone that is interested in co-working on a truly free (as in beer and open source) CCG to take a look at
We've bee around a year and make some steady headway. If you are serious, mature, can see things in the long run and have some visions that happen to correspod with our design document, we'd love having you all aboard.
United people have a way better chance of pullig something like this off. Trust us, we know from experience, as do most in here that are from the floss-world. - devs & artists wanted.
My CCG also free (as in OSS) )))
Thanks for invintation )
Submitted the Soulless Mage.
But soulless mage is vampire-mage )) so let's use this picture for another card
OK... Sorry :)