Need game design help with shopkeeper type game

Need game design help with shopkeeper type game

Varkalandar's picture

Since a while I'm thinking about sort of an RGP with reversed roles in terms of shopping - instead of playing an adventurer who visits shops to buy and sell items, you take the role of a shopkeeper in one of those towns.

Now, the problem is, I'm a bad game designer. The challenge is, to make this more than just a funny idea. While I surely can implement the mechanics of a shop and I also think I'll be able to come up with some usable graphics for it, I'll need help in making it a real game, keep the player in his role as shopkeeper entertained, challenged, motivated.

So I want to start with a sort of brainstorming - what would you like to do in the role as a shopkeeper? What will be fun for you, what should be avoided?

Since the items and graphics are borrowed from my Jewelhunt game, they will mostly consist of the typical RPG adventurer equipment, weapons, armor, treasure items and the like.

Since this is just starting, feel free to post wild ideas.

Current state of the project - what is there at the moment:

- Item code from my "Hunt for the lost rainbow jewels" project
- Many item definitions and magic item mods from that project
- Item graphics as well
- Some basic code for the shop itself

shop_demo_001.jpg shop_demo_001.jpg 216.4 Kb [4 download(s)]