2d sprite-map required.
2d sprite-map required.
Hi i am looking for a person to make a sprite map for the player and NPC. I really would like the shape and idea of the sprite to be in the layout and movement of the video below and with the appearence of the photos attached. Please let me know by private messaging if you are intrested in this. The attached video and photos are what ideas of what the clothes could be, these are not going to be used however the skin base set will be closely recreated. All images will be enlarged, to allow 4k game play. All clothing will be required in a single color form for example and a black and white form to be used as main source.
What is required:
1x skin base
15x hair styles
15x hats/bandanna/headphones/earmuffs
15x tshirts
15x trowsers
15x shoes
15x staffs/laterns/sticks
You may email me on tom.haywood2@gmail.com for a quicker reply
Thanks for your time
Thomas Haywood
Sorry I don't fully understand your comment. Are you expressing your interest in this game art in creating some or something else. Hopefully can make this clearer. Thomas
that comment is spam, thomas. ignore. It will be gone soon.
--Medicine Storm