Project in need of 3D models
Project in need of 3D models
Hi there!
As the thread name implies, I'm looking for 3D models or (would be best :)) a modeller that has some spare time and could cooperate with us. The game is pretty much fleshed out, we have some concept art - but work cannot start with nothing to display :(
The project is described in this gamedev post:
We are very serious about making the game and would appreciate any help :) Game lore documentation will be given out on request, while the development one is memebrs only :P
Should an artist wish to join us, we have but one request - 1-2 models per week. It doesn't have to be anything ground shaking - the early stages of development require but the simplest means to launch an alpha to test if we are going the right way. Proper art, such as music, sounds, and all the graphical glamour, will be implemented with time.
If you have any questions or would like to join us, send me a mail at or at Skype: Zethariel1
Hope to hear from ya soon!
Irrlicht, but using DX9? Intentionally not making it cross platform? I guess not open source either? Do you guys have any game code down yet? One can do a lot with blocks + lowres textures, having something to show always encourages artists... Heck, there's a lot of free to use art on here that could act as placeholders as well..
For now we can show concept art :P Using placeholders we considered already, and decided it will be a last resort. The problem with free art I've seen so far is the "for educational use only" signs attached to it.
Is not making it cross platform a problem? As to the open source, I'm not sure if the deffinition fits or not - we sure as hell wouldn't like people selling our game when it's intended to be free. Open source kind of allows that from what I've read.
And to tell the truth - who would join a project made out of blocks and low res textures? (if it's not minecraft ofc :P)
Er, loads and loads of concept art out there already. All of the art on this site is free for re-use (that's kind of the point, not "we'll make art for you for free")
Not making it cross platform is a problem. Many of the people here use non-windows platforms, and really wouldn't be interested in making a game they cant play. Also, why not spread your game further? Less games for Linux + Mac means that there will be more Linux + Mac gamers looking at your games due to less competition. Quite a few devs support this view, most notably the Humble Indie Bundle guys (
Opening your code doesn't mean your art has to be open either... But that kind of goes against what Open Game Art stands for :P Anyhow, I think it's silly to worry about people selling your game, if you find people selling your stuff for free you could always notify the people buying their game that you are producing it for free, and then it's free advertisement for you. If you are afraid of people selling it and you not finding them, how would you stop them from selling it even if it was closed source?
And people would be interested, because it shows that there is a usable code base behind the project. People who are silly enough to think "hey, lets not contribute art to this project because it doesn't have art that doesn't need improving" won't really be worthwhile contributors either.
We are begginers and we use Windows - so making it adapt to Linux would prove at least troublesome. And who says anything about competition? This is not a contest, it's about making a game and learning how to do so on the way.
As I stated before, we do not need any top of the art stuff, but using boxes still feels wrong - what if someone thinks "this thing has boxes, no one wanted to contribute, so why should I?". We could talk like this for ages :P The bottom line is, what we wrote in the post is our projects terms - and I guess it's up to the society here to decide whether it's worth their time or not ^^
Thanks for the post mate, it was nice that you thought of us.
Personally, its not open source so I wont be helping out, and it doesn't run on linux so I'd have a hard time helping out if I wanted to.
Good luck!
Thanks :)
We found one 3D modeller so far, but more are welcome to join! The art so far is low poly, but it will come in more detail once we hold our first full squad meeting and decide on the details.
Till later!
Meh, I tried to help, but if you guys aren't willing to adhere to the conditions of the forum (Free legal art for open source games, check the banner), this thread should be moved/trashed
While the banner itself is not as much a requisite on the users as on the website (that is, all art on must be "free and legal for open source projects" rather that "all projects using the art must be open source") the Resource Request forum guidelines clearly states that your project should be open source in order to directly request help.
This project seems to be neither open source nor intend to share any of the resources made, so while you're welcome to use art under a license that allows it (cc0, cc-by with credit), assisting this project would detract from our goals.
Feel free to start another thread if you have questions or want to suggest art that you think is missing from the site.
Okay then, my mistake, sorry for the trouble :)
Feel free to close/archive/whatever this thread ;)
See ya on the interwebs!