Automatical generated attribution file
Automatical generated attribution file
i just took a look at
It looks like quite a bunch of informations to provide so it would be good to automatically create a attributes file with every download, this would also make it much more easy to keep the attributions organized.
yeah, that is quite a bit of info there.
There is a tool to generate an 'CREDITS.TXT' file from an OGA collection.
Just look for the 'DOWNLOAD CREDITS FILE' option under a collection,
I don't know id the resultant file covers every box in that list, but it does seem to contain all the information OGA collects for each submission, so I'm not sure more is possible.
It'd be nice to have that button there for individual submissions, or better yet, to have submissions automatically rolled into a zip file that includes the CREDITS.TXT file, but for now this is the best OGA has to offer.
Thanks i found it, its good this way i can just order into a collection