About the Open Art concept

About the Open Art concept

pointcache's picture

in open source, we have different types of licences that in general allow modification, which in turn creates github and other hosters, with mechanics like forking/branching.

So question is - do you consider implementing such mechanics?

I would be happy if i could fork someone else model, and tweak it, lets say the scenario is that i objectively want to make it better, rework face or something.

So i do that, redo some part and the i issue a "pull request" and original author decides to merge my version into his, basically replacing his website entry with version 2, and have the version one in history that is easily accessible.

Also have on the original menu showing all forks, and so on, basically this would make this website truly stand to his name, as currently its just a place to upload your free stuff. (i understand your intent, fully open licence, do what you want).