Tower defence game
Tower defence game
Sunday, July 31, 2016 - 04:35
I'm looking for a top down image for a goat for my tower defence game. It needs to fit in with Kennys top down tower defence set.
Does anyone know of anywhere I could get that?
Actually it doesn't even need to be top down. As long as it fits in its perfect.
I'd recommend that you check out other artwork by Kenney. All art by Kenney is quite similar, so they should be interchangable.
Some stuff available at opengameart which may fit in:
If you were to purchase the Kenney Game Asset packs, you would most likely find art that fits.
Hah man no idea why you need a goat but I love your request, so I decided to create it for ya;
(Should fit my Tower Defense set perfectly)
Thanks so much Kenney
I will pmail you my finished game as soon as it's finished and you'll see why I need goats. Thanks!
Thanks Olander!
Kennedy, you don't happen to have a top down bridge in one of your sets? Maybe even a Troll? (Yes, you guessed it, it's to do with the billy goats gruff story! ;) )
Billy Goats it.
Not to answer for Kenney, but have you checked these sets of his:
--no trolls, but there are zombies. Or you could probably recolor one of the unarmed characters pretty easily
--the race-track might make for a good bridge substitute.
Thanks! I already looked at those but it didn't occur to me that I could use them! Thanks!
Any tips on how I could recolour it?
I use Photoshop to select/replace colors or use the magic wand to highlight a section and then adjust the hue/saturation to the right color.
You can also use GIMP or (both free). It's not technically/artistically just have to get used to whichever image editor you're using. The zombie (attached) might not need much change - maybe recolor the hair or darken the clothes some.
Kenney's releases are public domain so you can freely edit them, but always double check the license if you start messing around with other works.