CS:2D Game & Community
CS:2D Game & Community
Hello there,
Im here to today to make a presentation about an amazing game.(DOWNLOAD NOW http://www.cs2d.com)
The game is named Counter Strike 2D it's a war game that everyone can play for free!
There is a competive scene and also a lot of tournaments hosted by PCS community.(cs2d.net)
CS:2D is:
100% FREE & super quick start - load and start playing within seconds
For Windows Win, Linux Linux and Mac MacOS (+ headless server for Win and Linux)
Small and portable, available as ZIP or setup
In English, Portuguese, Turkish, Polish, Russian, Spanish, German, French, 1337 and more coming soon!
Fast paced online action (or offline against bots!)
All original Counter-Strike 1.6 weapons and many more
Many modes: CS-like, DM, Zombies, Construction...
Easy to use map editor with entity/trigger system
Console & buy scripts like the real CS
Modify & extend with Lua scripts
Many active players around the world, loads of custom maps and scripts!
Game Trailer:
This game includes guns/equip such as:
1 - USP
2 - Glock
3 - Deagle
4 - P228
5 - Elite
6 - Five-Seven
10 - M3
11 - XM1014
20 - MP5
21 - TMP
22 - P90
23 - Mac 10
24 - UMP45
30 - AK-47
31 - SG552
32 - M4A1
33 - Aug
34 - Scout
35 - AWP
36 - G3SG1
37 - SG550
38 - Galil
39 - Famas
40 - M249
41 - Tactical Shield
45 - Laser
46 - Flamethrower
47 - RPG Launcher
48 - Rocket Launcher
49 - Grenade Launcher
50 - Knife
51 - HE
52 - Flashbang
53 - Smoke Grenade
54 - Flare
55 - Bomb
56 - Defuse Kit
57 - Kevlar
58 - Kevlar+Helm
59 - Night Vision
60 - Gas Mask
61 - Primary Ammo
62 - Secondary Ammo
63 - Planted Bomb
64 - Medikit
65 - Bandage
66 - Coins
67 - Money
68 - Gold
69 - Machete
70 - Red Flag
71 - Blue Flag
72 - Gas Grenade
73 - Molotov Cocktail
74 - Wrench
75 - Snowball
76 - Air Strike
77 - Mine
78 - Claw
79 - Light Armor
80 - Armor
81 - Heavy Armor
82 - Medic Armor
83 - Super Armor
84 - Stealth Suit
85 - Chainsaw
86 - Gut Bomb
87 - Laser Mine
88 - Portal Gun
89 - Satchel Charge
90 - M134
91 - FN F2000
More game infos:
1)Game contains chat for talk with another online players around the world.
2)Ban,kick,votekick system.
3)Radar for check where are your teammates!
4)Rank system to see what number you are in the kills.
5)Advanced serverlist with sorting, filters, internet servers, LAN servers, favorites and recently joined lists
6)Friends system and user authentication (U.S.G.N.)
7)Spraylogo-, map- and filetransfer
Why should you create a USGN account at ? What are benefits?
First of all by creating a usgn account you can save your game(kill,deaths,hours you played on the server)
Also you can acheive a rank like VIP,MOD,ADMIN in a server(without usgn you cant do this)
And the most important you can add friends and see when they are online and also chat with them and follow them on the server they are!
For join the competive scene you must have a usgn its rule so they can know its you and not a fake person.
Game Modes
Standard (normal Counter-Strike)
Team Deathmatch
Create & Extend
Sounds and graphics can be replaced easily
Create and use your own spraylogos
Easy to use map editor
Entity & trigger system
Server-sided Lua script system allows to modify and extend the gameplay
Console & buy scripts like the original Counter-Strike
Download now from http://www.cs2d.com
I remember playing this when I was 13.
The zombies mode was fun, I made a ton of custom maps, including a /really good/ one in a shopping center where you spawned at the entrance and had to find a place to hide/activate the security system/get into the security room and the zombies spawned inside a boxed off area they had to break out of.
I wish I could find that map again (since it was on my old comp and was lost, but people downloaded it in order to play the server, so I figure it must exist somewhere) I was the only one running it (but had easily several hundred players per day on my server) and I was frequently told it was one of the better maps which is primarily why I made it (I felt some of the maps were lacking any depth in terms of gameplay, it was just run around and shoot the zombies.)
If ya come across that type of map, let me know eh? It had a bunch of custom art assets used in making it.
No problems with copyright and Valve? :D