I need help to complete a school project for my son!
I need help to complete a school project for my son!
So here's the deal, I am trying my hardest to create a VERY BASIC isometric game for a school project for my son. I wanted it to be an extremely simple game which essentially allows a user to stroll through the game grid to meet each of the people (and animals) in our family using simple sprites that would be located in separate rooms and once engaged would tell a small story about who they are. No special effects, no shooting, really nothing others than meeting each sprite and getting the tutorial.
Here's the thing. I cannot spend a dime on this and was attempting to use the free version Gamemaker Studio for Windows 10 to get this done, but I do not have the time to go through all of the learning tutorials to do it myself.
So far I got through creating the first basic breakout game after spending a week on it.
Can anyone help out with a basic simple layout that I can just customize with different sprites and the tutorials that they would say once they were engaged?
I know this is basically cheating but I promised to help him while he focused on his other grades and I am in WAY over my head to get this done this by the end of this weekend.
Hi, I know OGA is not the best place do discuss this but I STRONGLY reccommend doing projects for your son. I know firsthand the problems that it can create with not learning responsibility because my parents did this to me. It sends a message when a parent goes and learns about something he/she knows nothing about in order to bail their son out. If this becomes a pattern integrity, honesty, and responsibility are thrown out the window and grades are more important. The ends becomes more important than the means which should not be the case with school.
That being said, consistency is important and it is too late for you to back out. Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu is a great place to make simple games like the one you want. I think you should learn how to make the game and then teach him how to do it. Making it should take less than 45 minutes. I also reccomend not making it isometric, an RPG view would be a lot easier. But really, please, for the sake of your son do not do things like this again.
Egads, you need it by Sunday but asked for help on Saturday??? At this point, I'd have to agree with @Invincible and recommend Scratch over GameMaker...if coding breakout took a week then you won't be able to make sense of any template created for you.
I guess you can try Heartbeast's RPG tutorials and just watch the ones you'll need: basic movement, dialog, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB2alpO62GM&list=PL9FzW-m48fn2ug_FSNnfoz...
As a father myself, I'd also have to agree with Invicible about the helping part -- you're really doing him a disservice by doing this part of the project for him....even more so if it doesn't get done on time. Let him sink or swim on his own.
What tools are you expected to use? Creating an isometric game where you can walk and meet people seems fairly advanced for a high school project - though it may be much easier if using a particular game engine or game creation package.
I agree with the other comments that you're not helping him by doing it for him - and that a weekend isn't enough time to be learning this.
this takes me back to when i wrote a c++ on my own for maths, but my mate new the answer of DY/DX, he got like an A+ i got an A- just because his mum did it for him
sure his was the more profound answer (the algebra one, not my dumb ass for loop), but how the hell was i supposed to discover something by issac newton?
yeah do this at your own risk
What happened with the school project?
Where your art go!
Good luck with your project! Tell us how you do it